Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [vb mod] find [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Peering around for a locker where she might find some clothes , she stood .
2 Where you can find other help and advice .
3 If all this excitement drains you and you feel the need for a caffeine boost try the marble interior of Bewley 's coffee house on Grafton St. For something more wholesome , try Colony 's just down the road , where you can find vegetarian food , which is notoriously hard to track down in Dublin .
4 Or you 'll find this time that you will be court-martialled and end up in the gaol you were originally intended for . ’
5 Before he makes wild aspersions about other people , he should visit the school in his constituency , where he will find excellent education going on .
6 Although you may find these items expensive I would recommend purchasing hose taps for external power filters .
7 But today for the first time she was certain that even in Paul 's presence she would find the courage to say what she wanted , what she really wanted , in the depth of her soul ; she was certain that she would find this courage even at the price of ruining everything between them .
8 so that you may find that father is n't up to it today
9 Never shop when you 're tired as the chances are that you 'll find any bed comfortable
10 ‘ I do n't think , ’ she said evenly , ‘ that you 'll find any mention of feebleness and clock-watching in these . ’
11 As far as possible we 've attempted to provide references within the Warhammer rulebook , the Bestiary , or the Battle Magic rulebook so that you can find relevant sections more easily .
12 You have already proved to yourself that you can find enough willpower to stick to this programme for three days .
13 What I mean is that you will find little use for the basic ‘ one — pause — two ’ sequences of block followed by counter-attack .
14 We hope that you will find this issue of New Products Update as helpful and informative as the last .
15 The Council hopes that you will find this booklet of use .
16 We deal with allocation erm , spatial allocation of resources , which geographers are interested in , and of course we have erm particularly in the nineteen sixties and seventies , when planners were being very actively recruited , we erm did see a great many geographers go into planning , both at national level and , indeed , also in local offices , so you 'll find many geographers there .
17 That 's like full of about dozen or so papers each one I think , if it 's the book I 'm thinking of , is about a different community or a different language er so you might find some information about Samoa where there 's a different societal hierarchical structure .
18 ‘ The school raised additional areas that we might find worthwhile exploring . ’
19 But such is the fascination of the story that we shall find Catholic scholars in the vanguard of those who sought that very mechanization .
20 If anybody had told me this time last year that we 'd find another pyramid at Giza , I 'd have said they were crazy ’ .
21 An incurable optimist , she was sure that they would find some way of making their living , but she knew that her sister was afraid they would n't — and in that case , of course , they would have to let the cottage , and separate after all .
22 Squids are so intelligent and swift-moving that they must find little difficulty in avoiding man 's clumsy deep-sea dredges .
23 I ventured on one or two occasions to suggest that he might find some way of dispensing with her services .
24 Zbo had been impressed , when he convalesced in the south in 1916 , by the rich residents there and he believed , somewhat naïvely , that he would find important clients to buy his paintings .
25 It 's 8.30 am and I must find that discharge connector for the breathing gear — we 'll need it on the ship when loading begins .
26 I wondered as I thought of secrets if I might find some release in telling Lili the thing that festered in my soul , and I asked her if she would listen .
27 Erm , but I I will see if I can find some information , it maybe that I , yes , you want to comment .
28 Once you start , all sorts of possibilities will present themselves and you 'll find real inspiration in some of the unlikeliest looking things .
29 Quiet villages with ornate traditional balconies dot the north-west and you 'll find fertile valleys running down to tiny beaches throughout the north-east .
30 Study the professionally-made aerobatic kites and you 'll find innumerable inspirations for the use of plastic tube joiners .
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