Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [be] not suggest that " in BNC.

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1 It 's you making the decisions and doing the work and although I am not suggesting that you will catch twice as many pike , you will certainly catch some which a fast surface retrieve would have missed .
2 ( If the computer terminology makes you reel uncomfortable , remember that it is not suggested that we are computers .
3 Today Mr Justice Garland stressed that he was n't suggesting that media coverage of the case should have been restricted .
4 Whilst that may be interesting ( and I am not suggesting that we should refrain totally from such activity ) , something more is needed if we are really to approach the Earth and the earth spirit with any depth and with any hope of useful results .
5 Erm if they , if you 've got a heavy mortgage , and I 'm not suggesting that many of you will have a heavy mortgage , it 's not a bad thing when you 're retiring to fix a rate , because we 've not been able to do that for a long time .
6 It is not proposed that in every case a single indicator will suffice for a concept on every occasion , and it is not suggested that in every case an indicator will fully represent the concept it is to " stand for " .
7 Held , ( 1 ) refusing to join B. as a party , that , since B. claimed no personal interest in the money in court and it was not suggested that the money belonged to the ousted regime , her only locus standi would be as a person entitled to represent the Republic of Somalia ; but that , on the evidence , B. had no recognition as a representative of the Republic in the United Kingdom ( post , pp. 749H — 750B ) .
8 Of these three , bad environment must of course be taken seriously , and it was not suggested that environmental factors did not play an important part in health deterioration , but ‘ environment is not the only factor so operative and possibly not the most important one ’ ( M'Gonigle and Kirby , 1936 , p. 148 ) .
9 Ratio and proportion are difficult concepts and therefore a limited number of questions was used , but it is not suggested that these represent the only possible ones for lower attainers .
10 While I am not suggesting that you immediately dismantle an arrangement of flowers , perhaps after a day or two you could carefully remove a leaf or two , and a few flowers .
11 So while I 'm not suggesting that you buy every gauge ( though that would be many a machine knitter 's idea of heaven , I guess ! ) , when working out what machine(s) you want for the yarns you want to knit most , look at the optimum yarn for each gauge .
12 While it is not suggested that this roll of honour is exhaustive , a list would , even on a world-wide basis , be strikingly short .
13 Whilst it is not suggested that such behaviour is common , the temptation to copy , or at least to fail to acknowledge the other thesis as a source , is made stronger by the knowledge that such unscrupulous acts are very difficult to detect , because the original works , if unpublished , may only be known to the researchers and to their supervisors .
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