Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [be] [prep] [det] ways " in BNC.

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1 Yet the more we look at our surroundings , the more we find that they are in many ways far above the average .
2 Centuries ago they created torsion powered and counter-weighted devices which are their equivalent of cannons , perfecting them to such a degree that they are in many ways superior to crude gunpowder weapons .
3 Mrs Whitehouse is concerned not only that television companies are using their influence to promote political causes but , as was suggested above , that they are in many ways responsible for the ‘ moral decline ’ which she has identified .
4 I will point out , though , that it is in some ways a very conservative proposal , inviting a return to origins .
5 Sullivan ) , we have to acknowledge that it was in many ways an attractive society , and an admirable one .
6 Or at least they start , both books really start with the same issue , and the issue in question is in many ways , well , you could argue that it was in many ways fundamental to the social sciences .
7 JH : Moving on to another great love of yours , Franz Schubert ; I have always felt that he was in many ways cut short in his prime , almost as thought he was on the verge of finding himself creatively .
8 Instead what we have before us is a German triumph that could not have happened without Gorbachev and Walesa , a triumph that was not planned and which is in many ways an accident , but which nevertheless has come about because both West and East Germans have seized the moment of national opportunity .
9 A character called Barny , an English hotelier , runs the Easo and he is in many ways our father figure in Benidorm .
10 It 's er and it is in many ways the kernel of the of the concept .
11 They are writers who have parted company , but who are in some ways at one .
12 But it is in many ways an odd , unbalanced discography , one that would have puzzled Byrd himself , and which puzzles those who know the true length and breadth of Byrd 's achievement .
13 Perhaps because he is in many ways an absolutely objective choreographer , he successfully exposes his deeply held views on society and its problems , in particular man 's inhumanity to man , through dance .
14 But the reason I begin with it is because it is in many ways a blueprint .
15 One did not get the same feeling opening tins of cat food , admirable though it was in many ways .
16 Insulated as it was in many ways from the rest of the country , fifteenth-century Sussex developed institutions which dominated its life until the eighteenth century brought other forms of change .
17 Though he was in some ways a traditionalist , interested in painting epic scenes in a continuation of the grand European manner , he was also a modernist , an admirer of Picasso from whom he had learnt to analyse the rudiments of representation in order to embellish them , to make them rich or austere .
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