Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [verb] in the car " in BNC.

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1 There 's the flat cap that I use in the car , yeah ?
2 With an increase of bland courtesy he insists that she stay in the car while he talks to the girl behind the Reception desk .
3 ‘ He had already contacted the police and when they came they asked me to look after the children so we sat in the car .
4 ‘ Could n't you just leave the whisky , I 'll drink it all , wake up in the morning no , make that the afternoon — with a head that feels like you hit me over the skull with the bottle , and you sleep in the car ready for that long and demanding journey down the notoriously dangerous A74 tomorrow ? ’
5 ‘ Yeah , until we got in the car to come here . ’
6 And they sat in the car with the windows down in the freezing dawn and they watched the distant city lights going out under the dawn at five in the morning , they sat there for a full half hour , looking , and thinking how beautiful the city looked at this time and at this distance …
7 They could n't get back to the bank without treading on shifting , clutching , cloying marsh , which could trap them and draw them right down ; and if they stayed in the car , sooner or later they would go under with it .
8 it does my house , in fact it come the other day when Kerry had to pick a battery up and I walked out the front with Kerry and he sat in the car and did n't even look at me
9 On Monday I put this bowl into the washing up bowl , cos it stood in the car and take this , like that , to school .
10 She said for when I get in the car .
11 When I got in the car and put the key in the ignition , they probably said : ‘ Right , gotcha ! ’
12 It 's cold when you get in the car in n it ?
13 You 'll have to watch it do n't come off then , when you get in the car .
14 Merrill thought , as she sat in the car as far away as possible from him .
15 She brushed past Penry , eluding the hand he put out to detain her as she ran outside to the car , deaf to his entreaties as she jumped in the car and started it up with a violent rev of the engine .
16 when we get in the car buy one get one free oh might have , have we had it ?
17 Yes when we get in the car anything else
18 He did n't see , not even when they got in the car and his Dad drove off .
19 As soon as they got in the car and were clear of the port , the girl said : ‘ Can we stop for a moment ?
20 ‘ They could n't sell it after what happened , ’ said Preston as they sat in the car together at the end of the cul-de-sac .
21 Well to tell you the truth I did n't really see him cos it was dark when he got in the car .
22 When he travels in the car , he 's safe behind the dog guard .
23 He went silent and dark and withdrew into himself , the two thumbs rotating about one another as he sat in the car chair by the fire .
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