Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [verb] [pron] think about " in BNC.

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1 So when you looked at in the in the exam , did you think , Oh , they 're not giving me enough information here , or There 's some trick I do n't know , or what did you think about it ?
2 It was frightening , if she let herself think about it , how much could happen in a year .
3 Very well … and what do you think about the new man ? ’
4 And what do you think about this idea of turning it into like a little piazza there for everyone to sit out on do you like that idea ?
5 And what do you think about it Erica ?
6 And what do you think about it erm what did I say the other one 's name was ?
7 He did a very good job , but it made me think about what would be right for me when I died . ’
8 On the whole , he disliked comparisons , because they made you think about more than one thing at a time .
9 ‘ Yes , ’ whispered Fenella , and wished that Caspar had not used the word sucking , because it made you think about coldly evil creatures with grisly appetites , who might leap on to you and cling to you and sink teeth and claws and needle-sharp pincers into you and suck out your blood and your marrow and all your life juices …
10 ‘ The course is good because it makes you think about things like how to lay out a kitchen , ’ Ms Sutherland-Dodd says .
11 This , however , he did n't realise until later when he let himself think about the meeting and how , after the first keen glance , she looked past him as if he were n't there , to greet Mick with ‘ Hello .
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