Example sentences of "[conj] [pron] [verb] [prep] [art] car " in BNC.

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1 Where you pull into the car park ?
2 There 's the flat cap that I use in the car , yeah ?
3 With an increase of bland courtesy he insists that she stay in the car while he talks to the girl behind the Reception desk .
4 Luke told me that she died in a car accident some time ago .
5 You know , you know that padding that you put on the car you know that stuff on the doors inside ?
6 And it was on a brilliant sunny Wednesday morning that we drove into the car park at Martin 's Haven from where the boat leaves for Skomer .
7 ‘ He had already contacted the police and when they came they asked me to look after the children so we sat in the car .
8 Soldiers initially alleged that they fired at the car after it had driven through an army checkpoint and hit a soldier .
9 Yes dear I went to erm , er the er holiday camp in October to erm , er with the Red Cross and I went with the , Charlie took me and I went in a car with a friend of mine we went to the Red Cross holiday in Patefield , but it poured of rain every day every day it poured of rain did n't October it was terrible , ever so cold , but we were well looked after you know and I enjoyed it and we had the wheelchairs to go around in on for the dancing , it was really great I thoroughly enjoyed it , I have n't been for two years I had n't , but I went like in October , cos you 're only allowed really every two years to go , that 's all you 're allowed really , but I thoroughly enjoyed it you know , it was nice
10 Or if I go to a car boot sale and I see some of that
11 If I go to the car , he 'll be waiting .
12 First I think that if I go to the car , he 'll be waiting , so I wo n't go to the car .
13 ‘ Could n't you just leave the whisky , I 'll drink it all , wake up in the morning no , make that the afternoon — with a head that feels like you hit me over the skull with the bottle , and you sleep in the car ready for that long and demanding journey down the notoriously dangerous A74 tomorrow ? ’
14 Continue until you come to the car park and the entrance to Upton Fen Nature Reserve , owned by the Norfolk Naturalists Trust .
15 If you go to see this football club to watch the football match , you are not allowed to park on the grass verge outside because the police do n't let you but if you go to a car boot sale at the football club the next day the cars , the grass verge is littered with cars cos it 's Sunday presumably and the police are not allowed to enforce on it so I do think that some of the traffic problems maybe need to be more carefully reinforced to stop this , you know , to stop the dealers you 're not going tyo these places but you know I think you do need to , you do need to , to regulate them but please , you know , do n't let's push them out altogether .
16 Although a car , if you think of a car being a car , we know as consumers that one car is not exactly the same as another car , very easy to put power steering on the car or to put go faster stripes on a car , you can differentiate the product very , very easily , alright .
17 So in fact , we could have caused chaos on Oxpens Road by parking the bus on double yellow lines and making a big thing of getting handicapped children out , in and out of a specialised vehicle , but we , we actually prefer not to do that , and we go on the car park each week , and we pay the same fee as anybody else fee , pays because er we feel that that 's the right and proper place for us to be and the children to be , as they 're just ordinary members of the community with some special needs .
18 Nigel rejoined me , dressed , and we returned to the car .
19 ‘ Yeah , until we got in the car to come here . ’
20 If you did n't see it , it 's a tricky one but there 's a good way , we 've brought up a good point as well , if we look at the car when the car comes up , who said Polo ?
21 And they sat in the car with the windows down in the freezing dawn and they watched the distant city lights going out under the dawn at five in the morning , they sat there for a full half hour , looking , and thinking how beautiful the city looked at this time and at this distance …
22 Elliott got a shoulder under Goldman 's arm , the other round his waist , and they shambled to the car .
23 It starts raining and they rush for the car , where they have an afternoon sleep .
24 They could n't get back to the bank without treading on shifting , clutching , cloying marsh , which could trap them and draw them right down ; and if they stayed in the car , sooner or later they would go under with it .
25 it does my house , in fact it come the other day when Kerry had to pick a battery up and I walked out the front with Kerry and he sat in the car and did n't even look at me
26 And he ducked into the car , which swept silently away towards the city .
27 Well if he keeps , if he looks after the car and keeps himself right och it 'll be okay but if he 's gon na mess about and wreck the car well he 's he 's no way of getting to work .
28 On Monday I put this bowl into the washing up bowl , cos it stood in the car and take this , like that , to school .
29 ‘ That 's because she died in a car accident five years ago . ’
30 ‘ We 'd never seen her before , ’ said Masha , ‘ not till we got into the car . ’
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