Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] be not to say that " in BNC.

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1 111.9 ) , although this is not to say that such illustrations were never used ( note the ignorant copying of inscriptions in the Rudston Venus mosaic : pI .
2 And that 's not to say that they replace triggers , because they are actually have a very important role to play in terms of being able to er maintain arbitrary business rules and model the way your organization works , inside the database repository .
3 ‘ We 've all got her to beat , but that 's not to say that we wo n't be trying our best to do it , ’ said John Reid who resumes his Derby-winning partnership with Dr Devious .
4 But that 's not to say that we 're not doing a reasonably good job on the whole !
5 But that 's not to say that the picture is totally without threat — I think there 's an element of threat in those blue spots — there 's a sort of feeling of disease and consumption almost .
6 ‘ The lack of statistical significance calls for the exercise of caution in evaluating the study , but that is not to say that it disqualifies the study from consideration , ’ said Morling .
7 I think most Prisoners would say that the sex problem worried them less than they had expected it to , but that is not to say that it did not worry most people some of the time and some people all the time .
8 It does not exclude anything ; but that is not to say that it can attain everything .
9 erm Undoubtedly the university erm with it 's connections with the aristocracy and the landed gentry and the church was mainly royalist , but that is not to say that it all was .
10 But that was not to say that people had a right to it , that they were entitled to it .
11 She was a powerful woman , trained in the arts of self-defence , but that was not to say that she lacked feminine charm .
12 But this is not to say that no management is possible , and that the idea is best dropped .
13 The intervening years have not seen any revision , but this is not to say that it is not both necessary and desirable .
14 But this is not to say that sexist language is not alive and well in English-speaking communities .
15 Bolivians prefer to choose their governments the democratic way , but this is not to say that they admire the means at present available for doing it .
16 Males take more rabbits , and females more fish and small mammals , but this is not to say that a female ca n't kill a rabbit or that a male wo n't kill mice .
17 The upland areas have suffered fewer changes , but this is not to say that the upland landscape has remained unaltered .
18 The next Bishop of Rochester to reside here at Halling was Laurence but this is not to say that the palace was vacant during these intervening years for as we have noticed earlier monks of Rochester lived here for periods with possibly a steward to maintain the household .
19 Adopting a Formalist approach to the nineteenth-century realist novel would certainly involve a thorough-going change of mental habit , and the critic would have to work harder than s/he does when reading Joyce to see round the fabula and the realistic motivation ; but this is not to say that it might not produce some interesting results .
20 But this is not to say that the great were the only people who mattered politically ; and they could not always rely on their followers .
21 Closing the perceived gap between the UK and the US and Japan , which are believed to be three years ahead , is another aim — though that is not to say that the UK is trailing in all areas .
22 In the London sample , one-tenth of classrooms had tables or desks arranged in rows : in Leeds we observed none ( though that is not to say that none existed ) .
23 And young actors have a greater instinct these days for film than they do for the stage , though this is not to say that stage training is not equally important ; nevertheless as working actors we are getting more and more camera conscious in our acting and will continue to do so .
24 Though this is not to say that abortion is a topic to be taken lightly as it is a human life a woman is dealing with and I think she should think carefully about all her options before she makes a decision but in the end it is her baby and up to her what happens .
25 Components 3 and 4 are much less important and are dominated by noise , though this is not to say that the small amount of information they contain is irrelevant .
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