Example sentences of "[conj] [noun] according to [pron] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The application of such a scheme to a set of documents should result in the ordering or arranging of that set of documents into groups or classes according to their subject content .
2 The different endings to nouns , pronouns and adjectives according to their use in a sentence .
3 This plant changes its form and characteristics according to its habitat , and therefore specimens from different localities are often confused and thought to be different species .
4 These control the movements of the head and are classified into levators , depressors , retractors and rotators according to their function .
5 The systematic analysis and design of learning sequences , based on a careful examination of objectives and constraints , and utilizing a chosen selection from all available methods and resources according to their suitability ; the systems approach to teaching and learning ; a theory based upon this .
6 Irrespective of party , Home Secretaries are well aware that there are occasions when they are expected to appear ‘ tough ’ and take care to adjust their vocabulary and presentation according to their audience .
7 Similarly , a vase ( peace ) on a table ( tranquillity ) , combined with a ju'i sceptre ( wish ) may be translated as " May you find peace and tranquillity according to your wishes " .
8 Around the towns , but more particularly the small rural communities in Sussex , the Saxon monarchs built a careful legal and local government structure , reinforcing the social hierarchies but carefully giving each man rights and dues according to his place .
9 What the protestant loyalists in effect seek to maintain is protestant — loyalist domination within a flexible territory , one which they feel justified in calling their land and ruling according to their conscience .
10 A contract remaining open ( ie , not settled ) after the cessation of trading in respect of the delivery month or prompt date , falls to be performed by the clearing member and LCH according to its terms .
11 When you are ready to knit the shape , the program will convert your diagram into stitches and rows according to your tension .
12 The government has proposed a comprehensive scheme to classify up to 10,000 stretches of river in England and Wales according to their use and to set statutory cleanliness standards for them .
13 Hence , the quotation marks around the word ‘ doing ’ emphasize that it has a technical meaning in sociology , for lying behind the process is a body of common-sense and official police knowledge which informs the methods and practices according to which activities are done .
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