Example sentences of "[adv] visible [prep] the [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Such decisions must have been the daily stuff of lordship , but they are now usually only visible in the formal context of legal disputes .
2 Such decisions must have been the daily stuff of lordship , but they are now usually only visible in the formal context of legal disputes .
3 Then women , especially married women , were less visible in the public world and were discriminated against in it in many more explicit ways than is currently the case .
4 Japanese adaptability and dynamism soon ended such doubts ; and this ability to adjust to new demands and enter the modern world was before long visible on the diplomatic level .
5 Nationwide says , ‘ Over time , properties develop minor defects , which are often not visible to the untrained eye , but which , if left unattended , can grow into major problems requiring costly repairs .
6 Protozoa are much larger than bacteria or viruses , although still not visible to the naked eye .
7 Vis , only visible , not visible to the naked eye .
8 Whatever made the sap infectious was not visible with the conventional microscope .
9 Diniz Vasquez was not visible in the shouting throng of people with sacks , boxes and baskets that crowded the inner yard of the fort of Famagusta , although Nicholas scanned them all as he was led across it .
10 The hide is sited within the area marked on the enclosed map and is not visible from the public road .
11 Laura was scarcely visible beneath the better part of Rex 's purchases .
12 Quite often , olivine and pyroxene begin to crystallize out early on , so they may be present in the final rock as quite large crystals , up to a centimetre across , many times larger than the crystals surrounding them , and easily visible with the naked eye .
13 Præsepe , nicknamed the Beehive , is one of the finest clusters of its type ; it is easily visible with the naked eye and is well seen with × 7 binoculars , while with × 12 and × 20 it is truly glorious .
14 There is however one splendid open cluster , M41 , which is easily visible with the naked eye and is resolvable with × 20 binoculars ; various individual stars can be seen with lower magnifications .
15 It is easily visible with the naked eye , and is striking in binoculars ; with × 12 there is some resolution of its outer parts , and with × 20 it is seen to be starry .
16 Its companion , Alcor or 80 Ursæ Majoris , is of magnitude 4.0 , and is easily visible with the naked eye ; the angular distance between the two is 11.8 minutes of arc , so that in binoculars they make a noble pair .
17 It is easily visible with the naked eye , and binoculars give it a vaguely cruciform appearance .
18 The equivalent of larval stages are completed within an egg capsule so that the young emerge at the crawling stage when they are easily visible to the naked eye and can be fed in captivity .
19 I had noticed the scaffolding placed around it the week before and thought it looked an odd sight , with the Chairman 's head just visible over the striped plastic sheeting .
20 To the left , and two doors along to the right , are two structures which have survived from the time of this picture to the present — apart , that is from Inigo Jones 's Banqueting House just visible on the same side of the street in a haze of sunlight .
21 It has a period of 357 days , and at minimum is so faint that large telescopes are needed to show it , but at maximum it has been known to rise to 5.7 , and is then just visible with the naked eye and very easy in binoculars .
22 As I walked between the walls my mind was already in the byre , just visible at the far end of the yard .
23 Inside the Dabs 386DX the processor is just visible at the bottom right of the case .
24 The mite is just visible to the naked eye and feeds on honey bees and their grubs by sucking their body fluids .
25 However , some cells , like the large eggs of frogs , are easily visible , and the human egg is just visible to the naked eye .
26 The human and mouse eggs are about one tenth of a millimetre in diameter and are just visible to the naked eye .
27 Doyle indicated the tall building , just visible behind the scattered beech and ash trees that clustered at the bottom of every garden , and along the small roadways .
28 BELOW This portrait sketch on bleedproof marker paper began as a loose drawing in cool grey 01 — just visible around the unfinished hand .
29 Those branches still just visible in the encroaching night were motionless .
30 Further inland , and only just visible from the southern window was the Old Rectory , set like a Victorian dolls ' house in its large , overgrown garden which , at this distance , looked as neatly green and formal as a municipal park .
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