Example sentences of "[adv] lower [subord] [adj] [verb] by " in BNC.

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1 For example , the quality of housing occupied by ethnic minorities is much lower than that occupied by whites ( see chapter 7 , section 7.3 ) .
2 More generally , however , the cycles have not acquired such good reservoir properties and the overall porosities are much lower than those formed by early leaching in the Z2 Carbonate .
3 The ratio was slightly lower than that achieved by the industry before nationalisation , but it was not markedly out of line with other countries .
4 The figure is also lower than that derived by Hughes 100 for her single chemistry thesis , where she found elements of the thesis research in five subsequent papers .
5 Only the loss of Darlington , where Mr Michael Fallon was comprehensively defeated to become one of eight unseated ministers , went against the regional pattern of swings to Labour far lower than that predicted by the polls .
6 That sort of return is even lower than those used by political pollsters .
7 Heat has entered the debate because the Medical Research Council ( MRC ) has submitted secret advice to the Home Office which claims that deaths after an attack may be lower than almost any published estimate — and certainly lower than those predicted by the National Radiological Protection Board ( NRPB ) , which has the statutory responsibility to advise the government on radiation hazards .
8 Some scepticism has been expressed by tenants as to whether independently judged rents will be significantly lower than those asked by brewers .
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