Example sentences of "[adv] over [art] period [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Any new planting was designed to be phased in over a period of years , planting schemes having to take account of the need to create a distinctive landscape for the immediate future as well as for the long term .
2 In other cases , a partner 's contribution may be agreed to be collected in over a period of years out of his profit share .
3 It is much better to build up endurance levels gradually and gently over a period of weeks and months .
4 In the past , samples of children 's language have been collected using a diary approach where examples of children 's utterances , together with a description of the surrounding context , were simply written down over a period of weeks or months ( Miller 1981a ) .
5 A currency which gradually adjusts up or down over a period of time , depending on the intrinsic strength of the economy which supports it , is much less likely to attract the eye of the speculator than one which is about to burst the artificial dam which has been built around it .
6 Fibrous tissue replaces this , the capillaries heal and contract down over a period of months to leave a linear scar .
7 Perhaps over a period of months , even years , the yearning grew to escape .
8 It is not surprising that two people , who have worked closely together over a period of time , come up with a similar approach to a problem .
9 As couples live together over a period of years they will find more and more areas where decisions can be made without consultation because they will understand a lot of each other 's interests and desires .
10 It is clear that insubstantial changes will not give rise to a new copyright ( or right to prevent unfair extraction ) but what is the position when a database has changed considerably from its original form but this has happened incrementally over a period of time ?
11 The stated rate of interest payable in respect of stepped interest bonds increases progressively over the period of issue .
12 Ben , aged 3 years , started to refuse food gradually over a period of months .
13 It tends to happen gradually over a period of time .
14 Always exercise gently to begin with , building up gradually over a period of time and remembering that there is never any need to strain yourself .
15 Instead of retreating instead of going underground instead of accepting that the situation had become extremely difficult and it was necessary to try and rebuild their organization and their influence gradually over a period of time , they committed their shattered forces to further battles and more or less completed er their destruction .
16 The efficiency of these ingredients wears off over a period of time , and swimming , towel- drying and perspiration can speed up this process .
17 You 've got ta put an offer in and pay it so much a month have n't you or something and , and , and get it paid off over a period of time ?
18 Specific and lengthy training — usually over a period of years so the non-committed will fall by the wayside .
19 I have looked carefully over a period of weeks at those applications , and have reached the view that they deserve to be granted .
20 But recent research shows that the ‘ constant ’ changes by a fraction of a per cent , both over a period of weeks and over several years .
21 Clearly memories are not formed instantaneously , as if by throwing a switch , but are built up over a period of hours after the event to be memorized has occurred ; during this build-up the form in which any memory is stored changes .
22 Er and it 's a force commitment it is n't I mean short of saving up over a period of years which we are not allowed to do
23 All the small modifications should add up over a period of time to make major achievements .
24 Another proof is taken and so the print is built up over a period of time .
25 ‘ It would be useful , ’ he said , ‘ if practitioners were made aware of the information that is required from them so they can build it up over a period of time . ’
26 For example , the ship has a power meter which drops as you get hit , but builds back up over a period of time , you do n't just simply die when hit .
27 In fact there was a , I think some of the recent erm concerns about schools have come from an image that 's been built up over a period of time that the schools spend very little time on the , on the three Rs for example .
28 This will be cut back over a period of time .
29 Bargaining is often carried out over a period of days , so it 's fortunate that a four- night B&B break at a three-star hotel near the market , is £219 in February and March .
30 You have learned to look hard and analyse a complex situation , devise a detailed strategy for solving it , and then carefully carry it out over a period of time , revising your plan where necessary to cope with unforeseen difficulties .
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