Example sentences of "[adv] responsible for the [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 She meant , after ten minutes ' solemn consideration , to write that she was extremely sorry , and entirely responsible for the change of plan , but she could not now sit for him .
2 With a few exceptions particular examples of instruction programmes in individual libraries are rarely documented , and part of the reason for this is that special libraries themselves are not always entirely responsible for the education of their users .
3 He has been entirely responsible for the administration of the school … he will be very difficult to replace . ’
4 In another development , a court in Grenoble found a player from the third-division club Rives-Renage ‘ entirely responsible for the consequence of his lack of direction ’ , and sentenced him ( and his insurers ) to pay damages of FF923,000 ( about £10,000 ) to his victim Joseph Nieto , the president of the visiting club , Jarrie .
5 It should be noted that Whisky exports are almost entirely responsible for the appearance of some of the smaller [ particularly Latin American and Caribbean ] markets in the Top 40 list .
6 In addition , the president is constitutionally responsible for the making of treaties and the appointment of ambassadors and is effectively put in charge of foreign policy .
7 When a central government department is sued , it is usual to name the respondent as the Secretary of State who is constitutionally responsible for the conduct of the department 's business ; although , of course , the decision or action being challenged will more often than not have been made or done by someone other than the Secretary of State personally ; and in the case of a geographically decentralized department , such as the Department of Social Security , the challenged decision or action may have originated from any one of a large number of regional offices of the department .
8 It is arguable to what extent Magnus Magnusson was personally responsible for the composition of the Cairngorm group and he issued a public statement saying he was most willing to meet with voluntary groups .
9 If you are personally responsible for the payment of fees please state SELF .
10 Although Watson himself was not , therefore , personally responsible for the teaching of pupils inside the school , he was nevertheless a dedicated headmaster who , by making a success of the first educational asylum , firmly established the provision of deaf education in Britain .
11 He was also said to be personally responsible for the omission of the Jamaican , Jeffrey Dujon , from the World Cup squad .
12 An official demarche , given directly to Dr Banda by the European Community last week , said the EC regarded the government as ‘ personally responsible for the safety of the bishops ’ and demanded to know why the letter was declared seditious .
13 He smiled , as if he were personally responsible for the perfection of those measurements .
14 They cooked , made clothes and were generally responsible for the upkeep of the family .
15 Mr Boesky , who agreed to co-operate with prosecutors following his arrest in 1986 , was largely responsible for the conviction of former junk bond king Michael Milken , currently appealing against a 10-year jail term .
16 He also continued his mother 's religious benefactions , and was largely responsible for the splendour of the great Border abbeys at Melrose , Kelso , Jedburgh and Dryburgh .
17 Although Laclotte has been largely responsible for the choice of works , he emphasises that this is a collaborative exhibition , with different parts of the catalogue by different specialists , not always in perfect agreement with one another : ‘ There is no absolute truth in matters of attribution , just opinion ’ , he says .
18 It was largely responsible for the formation of the Inland Waterways Association in 1946 , with Rolt as its first secretary .
19 The American zoologist Donald Griffin , who was largely responsible for the discovery of sonar in bats , coined the term " echolocation " to cover both sonar and radar , whether used by animals or by human instruments .
20 The climate of this region was largely responsible for the adaptation of Byzantine roofing methods .
21 And they will not accept at the head of the established Church a man who was largely responsible for the break-up of his own marriage .
22 The toxic PCBs are present in many of the country 's rivers , says the WWF , and are largely responsible for the decline of the species which in England is now only found in Northumberland , the West Country and a small area of East Anglia .
23 Milken had dominated the US junk bond market in the late 1980s and was largely responsible for the elevation of Drexel from a second-ranking investment bank to one of Wall Street 's most powerful finance houses .
24 Herbert was largely responsible for the creation of the modern , independent state of Albania after World War I , championing the rights of the Albanians against the other Balkan states .
25 It was they , with the largest of the teachers ' unions , the NUT , who were largely responsible for the establishment of the Schools Council , to advise and experiment in respect of curricular content .
26 One of the most distinguished linguists of the modern period , Bloomfield was largely responsible for the establishment of linguistics as a scientific discipline .
27 Much-respected in the racing world , Smiles felt that the role of his office was ‘ Eighty per cent preventative ’ and he was largely responsible for the introduction of the Betting Intelligence Officers squad in September 1984 .
28 Just as she felt ashamed and somehow responsible for the disgrace of her mother 's lover so she felt that the man 's attack had been her fault .
29 The traditional justification for lower wages for women was always that they were not responsible for the livelihood of a household .
30 While the work of Prof Harwood is valuable , cocoa butter is not responsible for the popularity of chocolate .
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