Example sentences of "[adv] difficult [pron] [be] for [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 The larger the number of firms already supplying a market and the more difficult it is for them to collude , the more competition there is likely to be .
2 ‘ The more radical the slogans , the more difficult it is for us the day after in the corridors of power in Moscow . ’
3 Oh , how doubly difficult it was for them both .
4 I 've got a sale to go to at nine , and you know how difficult it is for me to get back to sleep once I 've been woken . ’
5 Unfortunately many employees also know how difficult it is for us to stop them simply imposing changes without agreement from the people that are affected .
6 In fact , Galileo 's Letter to the Grand Duchess Christina ( 1615 ) shows how difficult it was for him to pursue such an argument , even had he wished .
7 He avoided her glance , and she saw how difficult it was for him to admit to weakness .
8 He appreciated how difficult it was for me ‘ to give way ’ , what a wrench it was for someone who always operated on his own to cooperate with an act he neither understood nor , at that time , actively sought .
9 The fact that I should think this , and thought this at the time when I was one of the leaders of the movement campaigning for the ordination of women , brings it home to me how difficult it was for me to work within that movement .
10 The New York Herald headlined ‘ These Girl 's Do n't Drink , Smoke or Flirt ’ and printed an article , attributed to Mary , in which she explained how difficult it was for her to maintain discipline in a society where young girls were surrounded on every side by such bad examples of free and easy ways in all walks of life .
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