Example sentences of "[adv] be found in the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 A bourgeoisie on the European pattern , distinct in outlook from the oligarchy that controlled the municipal government and the guilds , could only be found in the merchants and shippers of the great ports .
2 The French chef from Montreal was not there , I soon discovered , because he was a she , and could only be found in the women 's changing room .
3 Evald08 , for example , contained over 63 million paths , but the utterance — You may wonder what happens to our boys and girls and the answer can best be found in the pages of the old boys and girls magazine — is 22 words long .
4 When she was missing on the set , she could always be found in the stars ' dressing-rooms .
5 Other items on motorway-induced development can also be found in the sections on retail , high tech and housing development .
6 But it can also be found in the writings of Defoe , who favoured high wages as a stimulant for home demand .
7 Does my right hon. Friend agree that the key to short-termism can often be found in the contracts which senior executives and directors write for themselves , concentrating on achieving short-term profit objectives to sustain a share price ?
8 The legislation has been consolidated and the law can now be found in the Tribunals and Inquiries Act 1971 .
9 The answer to this may well be found in the careers taken up by history graduates .
10 This large collection contains nothing which could n't be found in the libraries of a major city such as Middenheim or Altdorf ( allow any scholarly type an Int test to realize this ) , except for the Chaos/heresy works , which would be restricted-access in the temples .
11 Without discounting the possibility that sources may yet be found in the mountains of China , present indications are that jade was already reaching China in Neolithic times by the route followed during the Bronze Age and down to the time of Sir Aurel Stein 's travels in inner Asia at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries .
12 Professor Hobsbawm 's argument for an " aristocracy of labour " among nineteenth-century skilled workers depends upon the kind of material and cultural conditions and status assumptions which can certainly be found in the cases of some eighteenth-century crafts , but fluctuations in fortune make the idea less firmly applicable .
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