Example sentences of "[adv] be found [adv] in the " in BNC.

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1 Modern teaching , with its use of projects and assignments , relies heavily on the use of reference books and newspapers and other periodicals which will largely be found only in the public library .
2 But it does n't end here , and the answers will not be found here in the Dales .
3 A less extreme , but certainly related , view of natural language sentences can also be found elsewhere in the literature which relates to discourse analysis .
4 For him , the vital aesthetic principle of individuation can now be found only in the esoteric discontinuities of modern art , and is alone capable of subverting the status quo .
5 We read ‘ Glory in the church ’ ; it 's a phrase that ca n't be found elsewhere in the New Testament ; when the Ephesian Christians heard that phrase when the letter was read out , it probably came as a great surprise .
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