Example sentences of "[adv] be [verb] [prep] recent [noun] " in BNC.

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1 They operate under Royal Charters , appoint their own staff , decide on their own admissions policies and have traditionally had academic freedom in their teaching and research , though the last of these has arguably been eroded in recent years by the ‘ earmarking ’ of government funds for specific subjects , and the need to seek sponsors for particular projects .
2 Under the existing law , helping someone to die was a criminal offence punishable by up to 12 years ' imprisonment , but this had rarely been invoked in recent years amid great public debate and controversy on the ethics and possible modalities of euthanasia .
3 Some six hundred hectares of that land is actually designated as greenbelt , but in addition within that a number of those areas are er prevented from development in perpetuity we 'd argue because a large part of that area has got a historic status as stray land , which is a form of common land , which means it 's actually not not available for any form of development , similarly the flood planes of the river Ouse in particular is for physical development reasons er prevented from development in many areas , and those of you who were here this weekend will have no noticed the reason why , it was a flooding that took that took place on the Ouse valley , in addition to those constraints , open space within the city is at a premium erm the city falls below the Emperface standard , erm by er something like erm half a hectare per thousand population , so compared with the Emperface standard of two point four per thousand , the city reaches a quite a generous erm categorization of the recreational space we have available , only a total of two hectares per thousand , therefore , and this is very relevant to the Greater York debate , erm , really the only land for development within the city is recycled land , there are limited number of er sites which have not been developed in recent years erm which can be identified for development , and are being identified for development in our draft local plan .
4 This pattern has not been altered by recent changes in village life .
5 Almost all UK academic libraries attempt to orientate the new user to the services and stock of the library , and there are very few orientation methods which have not been used in recent years — lectures , seminars , tours ( guided and self-guided ) , video-tapes , slide-lectures , tape-slides , programmed instruction , posters , audio-tapes , games , computer-assisted instruction , and of course library guides .
6 If investments have already been made in recent years , the average investor will not bother to make further improvements until energy prices begin to hurt .
7 The Congress on March 13 also abolished the CPSU 's constitutionally guaranteed monopoly of political power ( the communist monopoly had already been abolished in recent months in several union republics ) .
8 Other accords under the peace process , chiefly the denial of support for regional insurgency , have also been threatened by recent events .
9 As well as the case of Sweden , a good deal of interest has also been shown in recent years in certain features of industrial relations in West Germany and Yugoslavia .
10 In further and higher education , the gap has also been declining in recent years .
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