Example sentences of "[adv] [adv] closely [vb pp] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 For these reasons they tended to be much less closely associated with the advocacy of specific legal and penal reforms than classical criminology was .
2 In the school system , curricular changes were introduced gradually , but the goal was to make education not only more relevant to everyday life but much more closely tied to the world of work .
3 It is generally true that the kadi was a more " secular " figure than the mufti if only because he was much more closely tied to the state organization than was the mufti .
4 The subject-matter is much more closely related to the actual business of judicial decision-making and so to the ideology and practice of particular systems of civil procedure .
5 The wealthy nations are going to be better able to use and organise information , whose value will be very much more closely linked to the value of goods .
6 Outcome in early treated subjects with phenylketonuria is not as good as was thought just a few years ago and is much more closely associated with the quality of blood phenylalanine control at all ages than previously recognised .
7 Much more closely associated with the state than was the case in the Christian churches that owed their allegiance to Rome , Russian Orthodoxy helped to promote both a more communitarian form of politics and a feeling that Russians were a ‘ special people ’ with a particular destiny to fulfil in terms of world civilisation .
8 But this misses Grice 's essential insight , namely that what the speaker means by U is not necessarily closely related to the meaning of 0 at all .
9 This structure is not so closely packed as the other two .
10 Local education authorities in England , Wales and Scotland are subsidiaries of the wider local councils , but those in Northern Ireland are not so closely linked to the rest of local government .
11 They are also very closely related to the competencies required of registered nurse in the Nurses ' Rules ( Nurses , Midwives and Health Visitors Act , 1979 ) .
12 As the perspective on teacher education widens to span the whole career of the teacher and as the work of teacher-preparation courses becomes far more closely linked to the
13 Radical reform is far more closely associated with the feminist movement .
14 Fifth , the Thatcher Governments have made major changes to owner-occupation and share ownership and this has resulted in many small wealth holders believing that their interests are now more closely allied with the rich , to the exclusion of people on low incomes .
15 Technically " non-party " , the administration was described by the Middle East Economic Digest of June 28 as " largely drawn from establishment figures no longer closely associated with the National Liberation Front [ FLN ] " ; some ministers were " linked " with opposition parties or dissident currents within the FLN .
16 The ‘ map ’ also shows that the construct ‘ light ’ tends to stand in opposition to this major dimension of judgment and is instead more closely associated with the sense of ‘ civilization ’ and aspects perceived as being ‘ horizontal ’ .
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