Example sentences of "[adv] [pers pn] be likely to be " in BNC.

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1 Choose the one you feel is attuned to you and your needs — — this can often be judged by the number of relevant questions asked ; the more that are asked , the better he is likely to be .
2 Obviously it is likely to be quiet in an empty hall or in a field ; it is likely to be noisy when a crowd of people are talking together all at the same time .
3 The Lithuanian order is an unusually large one so it is likely to be at the bottom end of that range .
4 ‘ He 's absolutely right , and if we do n't get our act together he 's likely to be a great deal more forceful next time round ! ’
5 At this stage we are only roughing-out our interview schedule , but the more attention we can give to detail now the more we are likely to be saving ourselves trouble later on .
6 The more people get their hands on it , the more it is likely to be used .
7 The games are addictive , and I carry it whenever I 'm likely to be bored somewhere .
8 This contact may be by post , by telephone or by personal meetings ; the choice will depend very much on how important you are to a magazine and the magazine to you and thus how often you are likely to be working with this particular publication , how physically near you are to each other and indeed how well you get on at a social level .
9 Judging by the results achieved so far it 's likely to be adopted by archaeologists all over the UK .
10 Should this method fail , then you are likely to be forced to place the tablet directly into its mouth .
11 The author , a former senior JMU inspector himself , explains what the procedures are and how they are likely to be carried out .
12 As we have said , when bereavement care is thought of , it is usually the spouse that we have in mind as needing support , and indeed they are likely to be the ones asking for care .
13 Erm , the method that we 're likely to use , or might be successful in bringing about this change , and once we 've done it how it 's likely to be effective .
14 Unfortunately everyone else will be doing the same thing and if one end is blatantly favoured then it is likely to be crowded .
15 If law can contribute to the control of the sort of force which threatens nuclear catastrophe then it is likely to be law seen as a morally authoritative contrivance for securing the overriding objective of human survival .
16 If the offer is a reasonable one then it is likely to be reasonable to accept it .
17 If a country enacted a bill of rights , then it was likely to be acknowledged as a written but inadequate consolation for the absence of that commitment to liberty which appeared to seep unconsciously and effortlessly through the British system of government .
18 Possibly if they did tell you something then it was likely to be made up because children did n't know it was wrong to lie .
19 However , if he happens also to run a business and sells one of the cars in circumstances suggesting that he is selling it in the course of that business , then he is likely to be regarded as doing just that , Southwark London Borough v. Charlesworth ( paragraph 9–20 above ) .
20 I done that numerous times today but I 'm trying to do it right by keeping it going all the time when I 'm likely to be in conversation , so there are occasional blank spaces on the tapes .
21 If you are using the divider to separate cichlids or other particularly aggressive fish , it 's wise to leave it in place for a couple of weeks and then only remove the divider at a time when you are likely to be around if trouble occurs .
22 Gone are the days when you were likely to be alone on the rim path , but if the five miles escarpment is included as part of a longer circuit of the vast moorland , walkers seeking solitude will find their fair share — and a good test of their navigation skills .
23 They are at a stage when they are likely to be concerned with a variety of complex issues ; the meaning of life , the existence of God , ideologies , their emerging sexuality , their future career and life-style — too often science is seen as being purely instrumental with nothing to contribute to these debates .
24 Nothing is guaranteed to make an expert less sympathetic to your case than having an argument about when they are likely to be paid .
25 4.32 Employees must no go unaccompanied into a situation where they are likely to be at personal risk .
26 ‘ It would be outrageous if this House were to be by-passed in some way by a nit-picking legalistic exercise simply to get round the political difficulties facing the Government in a situation where they are likely to be defeated on amendment 27 , ’ he said .
27 ‘ Few projects for amending the condition of the needy , and for the reduction of parish rates , would be so beneficially devised as to build lodging houses in places where they were likely to be let : and in what way could money be more securely deposited than by a general subscription , in shares of fifty or one hundred pounds each : five thousand pounds would build a number of houses , worth from five to twenty-five pounds per annum , or double that sum if furnished . ’
28 Therefore they are likely to be more reliable if used correctly !
29 Hanging display rail for clothes — This is likely to have limited , if any usefulness to the new business and therefore it is likely to be sold , thus under these assumptions Net realizable value is likely to be most appropriate .
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