Example sentences of "[adv] [pers pn] 're [adv] sort [prep] " in BNC.

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1 So they 're effectively sort of grants and ye in , in that way .
2 Well , I think it 's like everything else , I think that er , with , with Lawrence being off they 're just sort of meeting everything as a crisis and getting , getting
3 Well you 're either sort of scraping off the ceiling cos you 're as high as a kite
4 You 'd 've been better off to have been booked in here for a good night 's sleep and then driven up the next day but then you 're virtually sort of getting up there turning round and coming back are n't you ?
5 and he 's having a punch up with his brother and he keeps letting his brother hit him he 's got this holographic image he , who accompanies him with this fucking computer , and working out what 's going on why they 're there sort of thing cos he goes back in into to different times to help these people out
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