Example sentences of "[adv] [pers pn] [modal v] [verb] a look " in BNC.

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1 Hang on I 'll have a look in the safe .
2 Hang on I 'll have a look see where we are .
3 I , I 've got one at home I think somewhere I 'll have a look .
4 Well perhaps I 'll have a look in town next Friday then , I could definitely do with a pair
5 Perhaps I 'll take a look at her feet myself , then , just in case , ’ Tom decided .
6 No , I 've got to revise for my erm science test tomorrow and I 've got loads of stuff to do , I 've got to keep going for the weekend , actually I have n't got that much to do , I 've got drama that I can do if you just would be so kind turn over to number three so I can have a look at some adverts I 've got a , will there be any adverts after
7 If only she could get a look , see what they were up to …
8 Perhaps you 'd take a look at him later ? ’
9 But while you are here , if it is n't too much trouble , perhaps you 'd take a look at a patient . ’
10 Perhaps we might have a look at things , at this stage , through the eyes of young Benjamin Titford , the youngest surviving son , left motherless at nine years old ; waving his big brother William Charles goodbye as he set off for London soon afterwards ; watching brother John cough himself into an early grave ; listening to endless conversations about high prices , shortages , and a war across the channel ; dragged out of his bed in the middle of the night to cries of ‘ Fire ! ’ and ‘ Flood ! ’ ; struggling to keep warm every winter ; watching his father die of a long illness — these experiences made his childhood , in modern terms , an awful , albeit a dramatic one .
11 So perhaps we can have a look there , and this will appear on the ne and , and I suggest we look at it on the next General Purposes Committee .
12 So we 'll have a look at those and see if we can see why in the exam
13 This is about maths so we 'll have a look in that for punctuation .
14 So we 'll have a look have a look at your
15 So we 'll have a look at those .
16 So that 's quite a big one so we do n't do n't bother about any of these the ones that have got tenths or decimals in we 'll have a look at that .
17 Oh eight eight ammonia , I do n't think I 've got any , anyway I 'll have a look in it and acetic acid is the problem is it ?
18 My mention on the planner that the strips oops those strips , all these prices are identified here and when you take this away you can have a look at it .
19 Right , so , so hopefully we 'll have a look at all the scripts , then , on Friday .
20 Right we 'll have a look at that again , because once you 've got it it 's pretty straightforward and you can do it fairly quickly and you can do it very confidently
21 All right we 'll have a look later come lets get dressed now .
22 When I 've got dressed and tidied up I 'll have a look at it .
23 I 'll pop back I 'll have a look .
24 Negative numbers , directed numbers all sorts of funny names for them and people get very confused about them but we 'll sort those out we 'll have a look at the number line which is a good way of doing it .
25 Now we 'll have a look at the erm the work situations one .
26 Now we should have a look at further aspects of avian anatomy and keeping terminology to a minimum .
27 Now we can have a look at the KW , ’ he said , marching off again .
28 Now we can have a look inside . ’
29 I says , well I 'll have a look and quote .
30 Well I 'll have a look
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