Example sentences of "[adv] [pers pn] [be] meant to [be] " in BNC.

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1 The oblong block markers are n't centrally positioned either ; perhaps they 're meant to be offset as well …
2 He said and I do n't think that they were meant to be perhaps they were meant to be in order of importance .
3 Technically he was meant to be in bed .
4 ‘ When we started off it was meant to be a serious underground label and we thought we 'd just do a couple of thousand .
5 I was poorly , I said — and now I 'm meant to be lying down in my room .
6 Well I 'm meant to be funny darling .
7 Well she 's meant to be a real bitch anyway .
8 Well it 's meant to be the fucking opposite and it is the fucking opposite .
9 Here look inside here it 's meant to be bonsai trees but I do n't know whether I 'll ever remem materialize .
10 The National Sound Archive does n't claim to be the natural home for gramophones or other equipment , but it does have a small historical collection , because to understand the recordings , some knowledge of how they were meant to be played is desirable .
11 That 's how it 's meant to be .
12 So if you can go back to the original Hebrew of that particular verse then you 'll find out how it 's meant to be said , because a normal bible vision would n't read God 's in there , it would read equals and the name of the Lord , will be saved you see
13 This is probably the case since children do things the way that feels natural to them without worrying unduly how it is meant to be done .
14 Two stages are involved , the reason for which is neatly summarized in this quotation from C.S. Lewis : The first qualification for judging any piece of workmanship from a corkscrew to a cathedral is to know what it is — what it was intended to do and how it is meant to be used .
15 ‘ I do n't see how it was meant to be funny .
16 This was n't how it was meant to be .
17 Then it was meant to be Detroit , Chicago , St Louis and work its way west and end in Los Angeles but word of mouth , the cover story in Rolling Stone which Tony coerced out of them , and various other things created such a sensation that they lengthened it .
18 I have a very clear recollection of Nigel de Grey , sometime Lieutenant-Commander in the Naval Intelligence Division during the First World War , giving us a lecture on security which was psychologically scarifying , as indeed it was meant to be .
19 The individual experiences of recovery are so varied and the learning opportunities so diverse that there is a general maxim , " Where you are is where you are meant to be " , which implies that one can learn from any experience and put it to good use in recovery .
20 But the trouble was they were both at the same time after school where she was meant to be decorating the hall for the disco after school that night .
21 We know if it made any note of where we 're meant to be going .
22 Apparently what the erm busmen do is they have to make sure that they get to where they 're meant to be on time otherwise they get their pay docked but they like to stop off and see their friends on the way , and stop and have cups of tea
23 It enables everyone involved to understand the Process that is going on , it makes it possible for grieving people to be looked after for a while , but not to sink into a chronic mourning state , because everyone knows when it is meant to be finished , and when the bereaved people are meant to pick up their responsibilities again .
24 To his surprise , he found the hexagonal spanner on the ledge in the garage where it was meant to be .
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