Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] [coord] do [not/n't] want " in BNC.

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1 Would my honourable friend be able to explain why it was that in the run up to negotiations with respect to the question of increase in the number of seats er , the German government made it quite clear that they were not interested or did n't want to have the additional number of seats and then subsequently , for reasons that have never been fully explained , we then found that er they had an additional eighteen .
2 The rest of the family is still terrified and do n't want to be identified .
3 The rest of the family are still terrified and do n't want to be identified .
4 She drank two dry Martinis , and said she was n't hungry and did n't want to eat .
5 And er I made one or two political points as you can imagine with doctors who are allegedly nonpolitical and do n't want to get involved in all this messy er things about Conservative Party and Labour Party and the rest of it .
6 They 're very upset and do n't want to talk at the moment .
7 ‘ If I 'm not in the right mood I get very guarded and do n't want to talk to people .
8 They were too embarrassed or did n't want to make a mountain out of a molehill .
9 ‘ We are very cautious and do n't want anyone to get hurt and so that is why there is this rule . ’
10 ‘ Jane 's 22 and Grant a bit older but she 's very intense and tries to force a commitment , while he 's very airy-fairy and does n't want to think about the future .
11 ‘ Gets very uptight and does n't want to talk about them .
12 He found the Steel Wheels tour very tiring and does n't want to continue .
13 Baldwin turned the question by saying that ‘ several of them were , perhaps , too Conservative and did not want a change . ’
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