Example sentences of "[adv] [art] lot [prep] [noun] from " in BNC.

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1 There is still a lot of competition from cheaper second-hand aircraft , although now that the Piper Cadet seems no longer to be in production perhaps the market is somewhat more restricted .
2 ‘ And he whistled up his cohorts after you 'd gone , ’ Sam complained , ‘ and they came with wet-suits and grappling irons and a heavy magnet and dredged up a lot of muck from the dock .
3 Just before he left , he took out a lot of money from his bank .
4 the same sort of thing that Noel bought last year when he saw one of the men in the village , using it to pull out a lot of weed from undergrowth , really
5 ‘ I expected to curry quite a lot of disfavour from almost everybody , ’ he says .
6 There seemed to be quite a lot of turn from the end where Philippe was bowling but at my end there seemed to be no life at all .
7 There are now quite a lot of members from the village who have joined . ’
8 But also you can get , you know you , you sometimes you can fall lucky and get quite a lot of prices from cold calling as much as reviewing this one little , renewing every , every six weeks and trying to think of something to say that you have n't said before , like I had n't told you or Pete , you know , things like that .
9 And as you can see , even after three print I 've managed to lift off quite a lot of scum from the surface .
10 " He bought quite a lot of things from me — he was trade — "
11 We both really enjoyed this old house in the Kimbolton Road , for as well as us there were quite a lot of folk from the BBC .
12 Er this is erm , er this is the Spring , ca n't read out what it is , the Spring , this is the great Spring raffle , Amnesty does get quite a lot of money from the raffles , er they start off with just the Christmas one now we have them all through the year I think ,
13 Well , we 've had quite a lot of money from Oxford from different people so you do n't know .
14 We 've heard erm quite a lot of support from most of the Districts er and there 's been no er particular sort of opposition to what we 've been proposing er in those particular areas from any other source .
15 then erm that 's actually quite a worthwhile , you know some people get quite a lot of satisfaction from doing that .
16 ‘ I 've collated quite a lot of information from the researchers , ’ Paula commented sitting at her desk .
17 Now obviously if Isobel did that , she could write some notes in a form that was actually readable for you so that you could actually I mean I know the discussion would be more difficult but you would have quite a lot of information from her to go on .
18 We regularly have 200 worshippers singing with us and this requires quite a lot of volume from the band to lead effectively , but I never find it necessary to increase the master volume on the Marshall beyond half way .
19 You know I 've got quite a lot of material from the corpus from it .
20 The year began with cold clammy fogs , and although some industry had come to a standstill because of workers called to the colours , and factories bombed by the enemy , we still did not have the Clean Air Act , and there was still quite a lot of smoke from domestic fires , and from the slack coal burnt by factories making munitions .
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