Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] a period of [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Any new planting was designed to be phased in over a period of years , planting schemes having to take account of the need to create a distinctive landscape for the immediate future as well as for the long term .
2 In other cases , a partner 's contribution may be agreed to be collected in over a period of years out of his profit share .
3 It is much better to build up endurance levels gradually and gently over a period of weeks and months .
4 In the past , samples of children 's language have been collected using a diary approach where examples of children 's utterances , together with a description of the surrounding context , were simply written down over a period of weeks or months ( Miller 1981a ) .
5 Fibrous tissue replaces this , the capillaries heal and contract down over a period of months to leave a linear scar .
6 Perhaps over a period of months , even years , the yearning grew to escape .
7 As couples live together over a period of years they will find more and more areas where decisions can be made without consultation because they will understand a lot of each other 's interests and desires .
8 Ben , aged 3 years , started to refuse food gradually over a period of months .
9 Specific and lengthy training — usually over a period of years so the non-committed will fall by the wayside .
10 I have looked carefully over a period of weeks at those applications , and have reached the view that they deserve to be granted .
11 But recent research shows that the ‘ constant ’ changes by a fraction of a per cent , both over a period of weeks and over several years .
12 Clearly memories are not formed instantaneously , as if by throwing a switch , but are built up over a period of hours after the event to be memorized has occurred ; during this build-up the form in which any memory is stored changes .
13 Er and it 's a force commitment it is n't I mean short of saving up over a period of years which we are not allowed to do
14 Bargaining is often carried out over a period of days , so it 's fortunate that a four- night B&B break at a three-star hotel near the market , is £219 in February and March .
15 He said : My impression is that what has been going on over a period of years has come from , or been led by , a small mafia group of MI5 who have contacts outside in one or two sections of the press , and a few self-appointed private enterprise security agents .
16 Try reducing your use of salt slowly over a period of weeks and use flavouring substitutes like herbs , spices and lemon juice .
17 It emphasises lengthy and direct involvement with one 's subjects , sometimes over a period of years ; it places great stress on the recording of actual speech ; and it stresses the need to consider the apparently trivial , the story behind the story , the background that is normally omitted from conventional journalism .
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