Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [art] period [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Caducius had been found by Alexander McKenn and Maurice Harknett in the 1960s and dived on for a period of time before being forgotten .
2 And eventually after a period of time that ins outer insulation will wear down , it will fray and it will break and it will expose the live and the neutral wires until , unfortunately sometimes , it will be a little bit too late .
3 Do they see erm , if , if they migrate to the city in the urban areas then they realize they wo n't get a job , and have a job straight away , er well paying job but by actually living in the area they would and taking in at a job and they get a lot of contacts and then eventually after a period of time they job .
4 The first class is of wider ambit than the second and exists only during the period of employment .
5 The major conclusions are therefore that the market economy is a remarkably efficient way of creating wealth largely because it succeeds in utilising more information than alternative economic systems ; that for a market economy to work , the society of which it is part needs to believe in certain kinds of values : it must lay great store by individual responsibility and also have a non-egalitarian view of what constitutes social justice ; that the so called ‘ crisis ’ of capitalism results from a prevailing set of cultural values , typified by Freudianism and Marxism , which are contrary to those needed for the market economy to prosper , that humanism as a philosophy can not guarantee to generate the appropriate values , and that Christianity can provide such values and has indeed done so during the period of industrialisation throughout much of the Western world , but in consequence the kind of market economy which is then championed is different from that currently defined by the libertarian philosophy of Professor Friedman and Professor Hayek .
6 Standardisation of time was necessary because cancer incidence is rising slowly in the west of Scotland and because prescribing atenolol increased greatly during the period of study ( fig 1 ) .
7 I just certain , satisfy certain erm cattle requirements and carry on business in the sugar trade and of must done so for a period of time , I 'm looking at this , the third page in , top of the page , erm trade in office in London established without purpose erm now those the
8 If cimetidine ( or the hypochlorhydric condition it creates ) as in fact carcinogenic to the gastric mucosa , gastric cancer incidence should be expected to increase only after a period of time after initiation of treatment .
9 Only after a period of observation of the new layout in use was it confirmed by rebuilding with permanent structures .
10 They had done so after a period of co-operation and consultation with East Germany which looks in retrospect like a laying of the groundwork for what was to come in both Germanys .
11 Japan regained her independence long before the period of rebuilding was over , but the terms of that independence dictated Japan 's international alignment in later years .
12 The maintenance of high academic quality , especially in a period of expansion , must be of paramount importance for this University and must not be prejudiced by inappropriate or excessive efficiency measures .
13 A currency which gradually adjusts up or down over a period of time , depending on the intrinsic strength of the economy which supports it , is much less likely to attract the eye of the speculator than one which is about to burst the artificial dam which has been built around it .
14 It is not surprising that two people , who have worked closely together over a period of time , come up with a similar approach to a problem .
15 The Resident Magistrate said he was tempted to put O'Donnell ‘ away for a period of time to reflect on what you have done ’ but , he said , sentence would be deferred until he had seen probation reports .
16 Now , that obviously means , colleagues that we 're , we 're going over for a period of time , but we 're er slightly behind this afternoon , so certainly need to be trying to pull some work back .
17 William Cobbet passed through during the period of expansion , and hated it !
18 The work made in response to this moment often gains immensely from a period of marination in further reading and research .
19 Attempts by the Orthodox clergy to convert the indigenous peoples , mainly shamanists , to Christianity were in some case approved of by the authorities , but generally in the period under study there was a reluctance to permit the baptism of natives , since they then ceased to pay yasak .
20 It is clear that insubstantial changes will not give rise to a new copyright ( or right to prevent unfair extraction ) but what is the position when a database has changed considerably from its original form but this has happened incrementally over a period of time ?
21 The stated rate of interest payable in respect of stepped interest bonds increases progressively over the period of issue .
22 Within any such population it is possible to identify four subgroups : long-stay residents ; those who die shortly after admission , those who return home after a period of convalescence and those who move to another long-term care setting after a short stay .
23 That is why the road fund licence , which taxes ownership rather than use , has been increased more rapidly after a period of stagnation .
24 The universe would have started off with a period of exponential or " inflationary " expansion in which it would have increased its size by a very large factor .
25 It tends to happen gradually over a period of time .
26 Always exercise gently to begin with , building up gradually over a period of time and remembering that there is never any need to strain yourself .
27 Instead of retreating instead of going underground instead of accepting that the situation had become extremely difficult and it was necessary to try and rebuild their organization and their influence gradually over a period of time , they committed their shattered forces to further battles and more or less completed er their destruction .
28 The efficiency of these ingredients wears off over a period of time , and swimming , towel- drying and perspiration can speed up this process .
29 You 've got ta put an offer in and pay it so much a month have n't you or something and , and , and get it paid off over a period of time ?
30 When a plan drawn up during a period of supply crisis fails to analyse thoroughly the question of the balance of supply and demand this of course is no ‘ external ’ defect , no ‘ formal ’ omission , but a profoundly internal fault .
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