Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] [art] [adj] period [prep] " in BNC.

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1 45133 and 50015 will then move on for a short period to the North Yorkshire Moors Railway before returning to Butterley .
2 As you can see there , the model is breaking down during the latter period of our sample .
3 If a group wittingly shares an attitude over a relevant issue but does so only for a limited period of time before falling into disarray , it would be difficult to refer to the group as an elite in any meaningful sense since the outcomes would be insignificant .
4 The battle of the Catalaunian Plains was proof that the imperial policy could work , if only for a limited period of time .
5 Whether or not these jobs were available only for a short period of time , they were regarded by their holders as temporary .
6 But they do , they get paid a lot of money but only for a short period of time .
7 It seems that Gainsborough produced such works as favours for important clients , but only for a short period in his career , later preferring oil on paper for smaller portraits of this sort .
8 Only for a short period in the mid-1980s , when commodity prices and demand for semi-conductors slumped , did Malaysia risk hitting its borrowing ceiling .
9 Within organizations productivity slowed down , on this view , because Taylorism had reached its limits — there were no new areas left to rationalize ; workers had become more resistant , especially during the prolonged period of post-war full employment , and efficiency gains were being outstripped by increasing costs of surveillance and control associated with the rigid separation of mental and managerial labour .
10 When he left the Kunstgewerbeschule in 1936 he set up in Zurich as a freelance photograph , a job he fitted in between the traditional periods of military service compulsory in Switzerland , then worked for a year in the famous magazine Graphics .
11 Count Mandred , the acclaimed defeater of the Skaven , was elected Emperor and his respected generalship and charismatic personality held the Empire together during a vulnerable period of recovery .
12 It is only after a long period of counselling that she has at last realised that she has to drop her charge against her father , and to forgive him for not being the person that she longed he should be .
13 All ten residents had been long-term patients in a large psychiatric hospital , were severely disabled and had been discharged only after a lengthy period of active rehabilitation .
14 Only after a considerable period of experience do infants give clear signs that they are aware of the extent of their own bodies and the division between themselves and the wider world .
15 The reference to ‘ Eventually ’ in the last sentence implies that it was only after a commendable period of restraint that horses were ordered in .
16 If the management 's lawyers are not successful in removing a provision of this kind , then its effect can be mitigated by amendment so that it will apply only after an agreed period of time , for example five years , or with the consent of an agreed percentage of the members ; the latter may be appropriate where the investment has been syndicated .
17 In expanding their empire , the British had habitually sought out local agents through whom to impose their authority , and though these arrangements often broke down after the initial period of contact , sometimes they did not .
18 This would consist of day release throughout one academic year together with a four-week period of block release and should become a requirement before 1981 , if possible .
19 Heavy corporate borrowing in the 1980s ( encouraged by government deregulation ) together with a sustained period of high interest rates and , from 1990 , with a contracting economy , proved a fatal combination for many companies .
20 Events occurring during pregnancy were excluded , together with the related periods of observation .
21 It was the English who failed to do so within the agreed period of two months .
22 We might go on to say that not only in the medieval period with its plainsong , but also today , the Church owes more to the prayer and music of the religious orders than it will ever appreciate .
23 The tax will be phased in over a three-year period from July 1994 .
24 Bush did not indicate how the changes , which were to be phased in over a five-year period at a cost of up to $100,000 million , would be financed .
25 This level of pay was never conceived of as being a realizable objective for a statutory minimum wage that would be brought in over a short period of time .
26 Total sales for the first two months of 1991 at 287,876 were nearly 23 per cent down on the same period in 1990 .
27 Their congregations of ‘ Independents ’ were justly named in a society settling down to a long period of outward conformity and growing indifference to religion .
28 With a solar-type star , however , the temperature rises to ten million degrees or so , and nuclear reactions are triggered off , so that the star settles down to a long period of stable existence .
29 Thus there was a confusing number of elements on earth , above it and below it which contributed to the afterlife , representing ideas which had been brought together over a long period of time .
30 In supporting the Bill at its Second Reading in the House of Commons , the Minister of State at the Home Office , Mr Alexander Lyon , explained the Bill 's overall purpose thus : ‘ If a man has committed an indiscretion that brings him before the courts and results in his being convicted and penalised , it must be right that after he has served the penalty and lived it down by a substantial period of good conduct thereafter , it should be without meaning for most people of good will . ’
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