Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] they be supposed to " in BNC.

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1 I just seem to remember vaguely that she 's about twenty-five or six , about five five , hundred and fifteen pounds all where they 're supposed to be , hair that looks like somebody grabbed a handful of stardust and smoothed it over her head .
2 One or two of the instructions are ambiguous , some of the parts do not fit together as they are supposed to and more than a little initiative is required to complete the project .
3 The shock of Charles and his army appearing suddenly when they were supposed to be usefully employed in far distant Italy filled the Saxons with fear , and they sued for peace .
4 Nevertheless because they are supposed to be men of wide experience and outstanding capability the bishop may from time to time give them particular tasks to do in connection with parish priests .
5 They 'll get all worked up because they 're supposed to be fetching her .
6 I reminded her about the things she said last night — the things you apparently overheard , so you say — and she now realises she was quite wrong to say those things , even if they were supposed to be some kind of joke … and … she is sorry for saying them because she now understands that those careless words of hers were what basically caused the misunderstanding . ’
7 An early oval fort of pre-Roman times with a later broch in one corner , perhaps added by the Votadini even though they were supposed to be collaborators with the Roman occupiers .
8 And even though they were supposed to be the biggest and gravest army in the world they were frightened to get off the So what , who was the first person who stepped on land ?
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