Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [pers pn] [vb mod] tell [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ If we 've been doing lessons all morning , they 've usually had enough by the afternoon , so we 'll sing some songs together or I 'll tell them a story .
2 Then her mother would graciously conduct half an hour of polite conversation with all these people , who Jo knew were otherwise pretty cool and mostly also pretty sane , and they would all pretend to be interested in whatever dumb thing she said , and laugh if she made any of her awful little jokes and store away any personal information she disclosed so that they could tell it to their friends the next day and make it absolutely clear that they were on intimate terms with a really big star .
3 She suddenly wished that she had Finn here so that she could tell him a few more home truths .
4 Yes , and Isabel must know , must surely remember it , Isabel who had had such a well-developed , careful , private system for the storing , ordering , labelling , arrangement and organisation of things , whose books were in a certain line , so that she could tell you at once , and without ever having to get up , what sat next to what and where Lewis and Short or Cassell 's French-English would be found , were she to consent to your borrowing them because you had lost your own .
5 And she acknowledged that part of her longing to be bustling about was to try and snap him out of his trance so that he could tell her where her sister was .
6 but the idea is to get their ideas so that you can tell somebody else how you do it on your side then you can tell somebody else
7 So perhaps I felt I must tell you all this , now , before I know you better , so that I can tell it you without too much confusion .
8 It was one of the reasons why I was anxious to learn English at school : so that I could tell her in her own language how grateful I would always be . ’
9 My sister buried all her valuables showing me the spot so that I could tell her children where they were in case she was killed .
10 " I would work much harder if you came now and then so that I could tell you of my progress . "
11 Bina who never dreamed — Bina whose moods they all dismissed as ‘ adolescence ’ — Bina who they 'd trained not to let on what she really felt , who did n't even know what she did feel — that same Bina had a dream each night , and she wrote down every single word of it so that it would tell her how to be different , be real , really be .
12 ‘ Let me in and I 'll tell you .
13 I said put that finger down and I might tell you , I said do n't point at me David I do n't like being pointed at and Maureen nearly fell over , Maureen stood there , she nearly fell over
14 ‘ Let me down and I 'll tell yer . ’
15 ‘ Then you 'd better sit down and I 'll tell you all about it right from the beginning ’
16 ‘ Sit down and I 'll tell you — we 're having another baby . ’
17 Sit down and I 'll tell you in joined-up sentences what your brother has managed to inflict on us . ’
18 Kenya mostly — sit down and I 'll tell you about them . "
19 ‘ Annie up the road told me to come here ; she said that you sometimes take in paying guests — and there was n't anywhere else , and it was dark , and raining — but it obviously is n't a very good idea , so if you could tell me where else to try — I 'll go and try , ’ she concluded lamely .
20 Walk along and I 'll tell you about it . ’
21 ‘ I go all over Britain putting the guide together and I can tell you that Liverpool people really are the friendliest , ’ said editor Alisdair Aird .
22 ‘ I think , Miss Everett , ’ he cut in before she could tell him that Travis had only called to apologise when he 'd stopped by for his car , ‘ that it might be in your interests not to see him again . ’
23 ‘ I would n't let her trouble you , especially as I could tell she 'd no good news . ’
24 Not that you could tell who was who .
25 Come over and I 'll tell you something . ’
26 I mean all the papers wo n't be through but they can tell us whether it 's
27 Hang on and I 'll tell you .
28 As it turned out , she was able to tell the experts more than they could tell her .
29 ‘ I can shut up OR I can tell you when the Ship is going to arrive .
30 That 's it M A L E so it 's perhaps not a bad idea that we spell it differently cos you can tell which one you 're talking about then .
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