Example sentences of "[adv] [conj] [pers pn] [be] saying that " in BNC.

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1 Er , the economic situation is is entirely their fault , er , not that I 'm saying that the Labour would do any better , but erm I 'd like to see a bit more er , a bit more opposition from the er , from the Labour party and er , not so much direct action , but saying , you know , things do not have to be like this !
2 Rather they are emphasising the fact that every programme they show has been seen before , at least once although they are saying that they are ‘ devoted to Britain 's favourite TV programmes ’ .
3 Well I mean I a asked Christine yesterday and she was saying that because this is n't a project any more it 's actually supposed to in the end of week three .
4 And Jesus had n't stopped speaking , but even as he 's saying that the these people are gathering around him , the tax gatherers , the sinners , the undesirables of society , they 're gathering around him to hear what he 's got to say .
5 Somebody once said that if angelism , sharing the gospel was one beggar telling another beggar about bread , where it could be found and undoubtedly when he was saying that he was thinking of that story that account that we had read to us earlier from the second book of kings , chapter seven , and I 'd like us to er turn back to us for a few moments this morning and perhaps draw some lessons for ourselves Sometimes as Christians its very easier for us to say what sins are , and we can see other people 's failings , you do n't have to be a Christian to do that of course , plenty of other people can do that , they see the failings of other people , they see the wrong doing they do , they see their wickedness their , their waywardness , whatever words we want to use to describe it , and we say well that is sin , perhaps for most of us this morning we could make er a list a , a , a tabulate a table of sins and we might say well they are worse sins and there are lesser sins and I would I suppose by and large there would be a fairly reasonable consensus of opinion regarding what was sins and what were not sins .
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