Example sentences of "[adv] [pron] [verb] not been able " in BNC.

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1 I bump into a lot of people at conferences , so I have n't been able to write formally to thank you for the meeting because I do n't want anything on the record then
2 somehow I have n't been able to work
3 ‘ I have read and thought and practised and observed and written for over a quarter of a century , survived a world war , and still I have not been able to provide a home in which my children may be happy . ’
4 The other point which is made by the defendant is this , he says that the plaintiffs have been guilty of delaying tactics er during the course of this litigation , the result of which has been that er he has not been able to realize his interest in the partnership premises , also he has not been able to acquire a partnership premises and he he , doctor mentioned to me that to the actual conveyance of the partnership premises he 's , he tells me was only produced I think thirty and er that er it was only then that he realized there might be a chance that he could acquire the premises for himself , but he says that er because of the general , I think the case is , because of the general conduct of the plaintiffs in delaying the trial of the action one way or another , er the practical effect has been that the plaintiffs have had the benefit of use and occupation of the premises at which he erm , a main view , has a lot of that interest and that they are getting benefit of the kind from that occupation and he is not getting any money in res in respect of that , at least nothing like any market rent because it maybe that there is a fairly small er payment being made , but I 'm not too entirely clear whether that is the case or not , but the stock bond is suggesting that the plaintiffs have been obtaining benefit of the use of the premises at his expense and in those circumstances it is unfair er in , in , or otherwise not appropriate that the plaintiffs should be entitled to obtain interest on their bill of costs , in respect essentially of the period of delay , and when I say period of delay included that the period during which the forward of Mr Justice remained erm unprotected .
5 So far I have not been able to come up with any musical symbol that has not been catered for , whether arranging for full orchestra , brass-band or choir — with the single exception of guitar chord symbols .
6 So far she had not been able to reconcile her desire to keep everything the same and her desire for comfort .
7 These people are often thoughtful and clever , but so far they have not been able to bring about worthwhile changes .
8 Indeed , so far he had not been able to discover any previous relationship at all between Zoser and the Zikr .
9 The South African case remains interesting , and I asked my doctor friend for clarification , but so far he has not been able to get any further information .
10 It must be almost dawn , she thought absently ; an hour ago she had not been able to see a thing .
11 Yeah unfortunately I 've not been able to have it done yet .
12 Unfortunately we have not been able to persuade her to have ophthalmic screening , so the presence of congenital hypertrophy of the retinal pigment epithelium is not known .
13 For about a year , since the summer before last , in fact , I had been writing to her and she to me and , because of the distance and something else I have n't been able to put my finger on ( maybe a need for excitement ) , the letters had become more and more sentimental , more and more loving , more and more like proper love letters .
14 All those nights when she had n't been able to sleep seemed to be catching up with her .
15 Previously she had n't been able to work out whether he was or not .
16 The reason why we have not been able to debate the report is that we have had a great deal of other business to do .
17 That either they have n't been able to think about it very carefully , not looking at the real options , or have n't got an electric point , so they ca n't have an electric shredder , or whatever the appropriate way of dealing with the more sort of shrubby erm waste that they 're likely to have .
18 As he sipped his wine in the bright , busy square , he thought that although the language was certainly a problem and one that he would have to continue to struggle with , it only provided him with an excuse , really , an excuse for why he had not been able to get down to the job of looking for Elsie .
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