Example sentences of "[adv] [art] series of [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Twenty years ago liberal justices on the court laid down a series of laws against discriminatory employment practices .
2 Finally , not showing in a gallery but in the Roumanian Cultural Centre , Ion Nicodim who was first promoted in Italy by Giulio Carlo Argan in the late sixties , here brings together a series of variations on the theme of clay as a material of memory .
3 is no longer a series of drills for the body , it is natural movements of the body which exercise children 's limbs in much more rhythmical ways and each individual child is allowed to develop according to his individual needs .
4 Before , Anderson has attached some seriousness to the question of " bad manners " , telling Hollar that " the history of human calumny is largely a series of breaches of good manners " .
5 It is always a series of disappointments with highlights in between .
6 The sliding plate brought forth a series of terranes from thousands of miles to the south .
7 Some serious incidents occurred during this period on the Broadwater Farm Estate , such as an attack on police by youths which resulted in one officer sustaining a bad head wound , and there was also a series of attacks on an Asian-owned supermarket .
8 The plaintiff or petitioner drew up a series of charges for the defendant to answer and refute , but the burden of proof was on the plaintiff .
9 I mean I can give you a little example erm I was once trying to add up a series of figures in the middle of an admissions exercise , and one of the other one of the men said to me ‘ oh , come on , you 're far too pretty to do mental arithmetic ’ and I completely lost my train of thought , I got rather confused .
10 At first I thought about setting up a series of divisions throughout the length of the hall which would demarcate it rhythmically .
11 This critic may have been thinking of a well-known passage in one of the Nativity sermons in which Andrewes keeps up a series of puns in Hebrew , Latin and English for three pages on the word Emmanuel : ‘ If it be not Immanu-el , it will be Immanu-hell … .
12 ASUTRAMES drew up a series of demands in a 27-point petition addressed to the municipal government , The petition included the following Points :
13 Then he moved into the cinema and , with his customary unflagging energy , set up a series of films in keeping with the jingoistic spirit of the times .
14 Thus there build up a series of steps with sharp , cliff-like fronts ( Plate 10 ) .
15 By announcing investigations all over Britain it had set up a series of confrontations with the public .
16 If a regular daily supply of mated animals is required it is sufficient to set up a series of cages with one male and three females in each , bearing in mind that in theory one in four females should be in oestrus on a particular day .
17 The High Court in Glasgow heard that Bernard Fielding , who 's thirty four , carried out a series of robberies at Labrokes betting shops in Springburn .
18 Mr Justice Jowitt commenting at the trial of Ernest Coveley , accused of carrying out a series of robberies with a cucumber The escargot laying season is between June and September .
19 THE 120-clause Environmental Protection Bill , which was published yesterday , sets out a series of reforms to key areas of pollution control .
20 In the early 1960s Stanley Milgram , a research psychologist at Yale University , carried out a series of experiments on the extent to which we obey authority .
21 Thus , McConaghy and his colleagues carried out a series of experiments on what they call ‘ allusive thinking ’ , a concept similar to overinclusive thinking and actually measured by them with a clinical , thought disorder test .
22 Bickford was determined to make a safer type of fuse , and although he was no scientist he carried out a series of experiments with many different combinations of materials until , having nearly despaired of ever achieving his goal , he visited a friend in his rope walk and suddenly hit on the idea of spinning a light rope or cord round a tightly packed central core of gunpowder .
23 The government has published a discussion document on climate change which sets out a series of options on how emissions of greenhouse gases can be reduced .
24 Ranjan Wijeratne , the Plantations Minister and Minister of State for Defence , claimed on July 26 that the LTTE had recently carried out a series of attacks on Sinhalese villages .
25 Unrest in Aceh province on the northern tip of Sumatra erupted in April when separatist insurgents ( members of the Free Aceh Movement ) carried out a series of attacks on police posts , which prompted a major security operation against the rebels .
26 Police believe he 's the so-called ’ Fishermead rapist ’ , who 's carried out a series of attacks on the Fishermead estate .
27 Police belive he 's the so-called Fishermead rapist , who 's carried out a series of attacks on and around the Fishermead Estate .
28 APLA carried out a series of attacks in the Eastern Cape and Orange Free State late last year in which a number of whites were shot dead .
29 Melchior Franck brought out a series of collections under fancy titles Recreationes musicae ( 1614 ) , Delitiae amoris ( 1615 ) , Lilia musicalia ( 1616 ) — and at last introduced fa-la refrains in 1621 in his Newes Teutsches Musicalisches Fröliches Convivium ( Coburg , 1621 ) .
30 Some years ago Radio Luxembourg carried out a series of presentations to agencies on the subject of ‘ visual transfer ’ — a term used in the USA for the more or less observable fact that most of the TV audience recognize TV commercials from their soundtracks , and that , therefore , using the TV soundtrack , or something close to it , on radio can greatly enhance the coverage and frequency of a TV campaign .
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