Example sentences of "[adv] [art] couple [prep] [noun] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 His wife had died suddenly a couple of years back .
2 My horse went down a couple of times when we were riding along a shallow river The hooves must 've turned up the mud at the bottom and I 'm sorry but no amount of expert preparation can help you keep cool when a 500lb horse goes down on you .
3 And that looked pretty funny like and it fell down a couple of days ago and maybe a pretty while afore that I du n no .
4 order the parts and everything , so I went down a couple of days later I said just for curiosity what 's , what 's it gon na cost us this bloody lot ?
5 She did slim down a couple of years ago but has piled on the pounds again .
6 ‘ We will be back in the summer for perhaps a couple of days when we have got the bigger picture and can ask more intelligent questions , ’ he said .
7 And so a couple of hours later , it was Burkett who drove the coach and four to the top of Dunmail Raise while Hope and Sylvia walked behind to spare the horses the effort , even though , as Burkett had pointed out , two passengers were light work for four horses .
8 The hoverspeeder 's cockpit was now only a couple of metres below , and slightly to one side of , the platform .
9 I have n't noticed I 've lost any weight only that me clothes have gone a bit loose , it must be only a couple of pounds literally but on Mrs scales I 'm half a stone lighter , but I do n't think so by tomorrow night I 'll be about eleven , ten
10 How could he be so polite when he had been fired by passion only a couple of hours before ?
11 The other , only a couple of feet further off , was boring in low , aiming for the region of his groin .
12 She had found friends , and food and drink were only a couple of blocks away .
13 LEFT Home computers were unheard-of only a couple of decades ago ; now they have become routine magic' .
14 ‘ Do n't worry , Lawrence is only a couple of minutes away .
15 ‘ Exactly on the hour , and if she 's only a couple of minutes late , you sing out , Bainbridge , because I shall want to know . ’
16 I mean Christmas ones are only a couple of foot apart , there 's only about that much between them , you know ?
17 Standing 16.3hh , Ambassador was given plenty of time to mature , only beginning his competitive career at the start of the current season , and testimony to his brilliance is the fact that he is only a couple of points away from being Advanced .
18 There were only a couple of cars there at that time of the evening .
19 Recalling those moments now , he opened Anna 's file of typed poems , seeking the one she 'd written , only a couple of weeks ago , about the funeral flowers .
20 Optimism over the re-election prospects of the Conservative party , widespread among stockbrokers and fund managers only a couple of weeks ago , has ebbed away and there is now more active consideration of other possible outcomes .
21 We had dinner there only a couple of weeks ago .
22 Why , only a couple of weeks ago you were saying you hoped they would n't even meet at the Family Day ; now you 're suggesting that she actually goes and stays where he works .
23 Some fella told me that only a couple of weeks ago , but the greatest rip off of them all , have you heard the greatest rip off about Betty and the , and the roof ?
24 In due course the details of the recovery filtered back and we learned that the tern had been ringed as a fledgling in a colony in southern Sweden only a couple of weeks earlier .
25 But they went warily , for Gilsland was only a couple of miles ahead .
26 Going to grammar school really made me isolated It was only a couple of miles away from where I lived but that 's a long way when you 're only 11 — years-old and all your mates from junior school had gone to the local comprehensive round the corner .
27 Carson 's place was only a couple of miles away , in a vastly overpriced and overcrowded strip along less than half a mile of the river east from Kew Bridge .
28 All the while long lines of lorries trundled along the streets as if it was 1945 and the retreating Wehrmacht only a couple of miles away .
29 Throughout the morning on which Morse was addressing his audience in Bath , and stripping away the deceptions and the half-truths which hitherto had veiled the naked truth of the case , there was much activity at the Trout Inn , a fine riverside hostelry set between the weir and the Godstow Lock in the village of Wolvercote , only a couple of miles out on the western side of North Oxford .
30 My initial instinct is to move a couple of hundred yards or so but some of my most memorable catches have occurred when I have moved only a couple of swims further down the drain .
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