Example sentences of "[adv] [prep] his [noun sg] 's eye " in BNC.

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1 Patrick saw something settle down behind his mother 's eyes , something like satisfaction , and the anger that had burned within him since he had discovered the identity of Joseph Hyde 's attackers , turned cold and brittle .
2 The sublime memory of that first descent into the moist , mossy darkness of the jungle earlier in the day blazed again suddenly in his mind 's eye for a moment , but then his numbness left him in a furious rush and a piercing surge of purity and sweetness flashed through the rank darkness of the hut .
3 He could see the image clearly enough in his mind 's eye ( since that night no two rememberings had been more than a minute apart ) but even the most basic sketch eluded his hand .
4 Kelly pulled Broom-Parker 's face towards hers and looked deeply into his loser 's eyes .
5 Even less had they diminished the image of Topaz which was always in his mind 's eye .
6 Even as he spoke , this avenue closed up in his mind 's eye like a pupil contracting to a black point .
7 How like his father 's eyes they are .
8 He had burned it himself on the fire he had made against the fruit-garden wall and it might be that no copies of it existed , yet in his mind 's eye it recreated itself , the child for ever stilled , its face a waxen mask , the old doctor haggard with sorrow and lack of sleep , the mirror no breath had misted held in his hand , the parents in each other 's arms .
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