Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] all [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It just lifted the roofing from the base of the stack and hen houses just scattered all over the place .
2 ‘ I hope that what is happening here is not happening all over the country .
3 Mrs Bowers , 30 , who still bears some scars from the attack last March , told the court : ‘ It felt like my face was physically moving all over the place and burning . ’
4 They do not fluctuate all over the place in an uncertain fashion .
5 But you were saying about er Australia and that I I think at that particular time more so than now whatever was happening in the British pop scene seemed to just happen all over the world you know .
6 The staining , which was still most intense in the crypt region , was located in small granules not only near the microvillar membrane , but generally distributed all over the cytoplasm apically for the nucleus ( Fig 2F ) .
7 I wanted to stay with you , not go all round the world , dancing . ’
8 ‘ Everybody was there , ’ says Slim , ‘ the whole London blues mafia , and jaws were just dropping all over the place .
9 Well you do n't know you 're on it until you hit it and then you just lose your steering and your wheels just go all over the place
10 But they just said all over the garden there was just dead carcasses of animals .
11 And so nowadays , with the advent of high-speed telecommunications , satellites , and the formation of the World Met Organisation in particular , we now get the information that I 've already mentioned all over the world , very high-speed arrangements , and so we can now study the atmosphere all the way across .
12 In recent years British papers have been widely used all over the world .
13 After leaving the potion laboratory , she soon discovered that Mildred was not in her room and set off to look all over the school where , of course , she did not find the missing pupil .
14 The man calmly walked all over the child 's body with his heavy boots , and left her screaming on the ground .
15 This week he was on a beach in Malta ‘ he still gets all over the place , ’ says his agent dreaming of the Premier League .
16 In indigenous medicine still practised all over the world , and in European traditional medicine , these same tonics are regarded as a necessary and important weapon .
17 ( Bullet holes still exist all over the Place of the Revolution where most of the fighting took place .
18 Around 1900 Sir Aurel Stein observed that ‘ the ancient industry of ‘ fishing ’ for jade in the river bed after the summer floods still continues all along the valley' .
19 ‘ I do n't know why , if they do n't want people to come here , ’ said Betty fretfully , ‘ they do n't just put up notices all along the border describing the weather conditions . ’
20 It may seem odd to find these aquatic animals appearing in the desert , but the eggs of these shrimps probably lie all over the desert , collecting in the depressions which ultimately become pools .
21 Old Mother Jacobsen — as she was affectionately known all over the island — was in her late nineties , and she was blind .
22 People are snapping up bargains all over the place . ’
23 Since the dolphin is caught in shark nets , other unreported deaths probably occur all along the coast .
24 He called it the Arnold Register , after American general Hap Arnold , and set about tracking down thousands of people , now scattered all round the world .
25 Each part of the company has been asked to look for ways of doing more , with less , and the performance improvements now happening all over the company are starting to feed through to the bottom line .
26 Now homes all over the country are having their flues and chimneys unblocked , and old-fashioned fireplaces are being reinstated .
27 Elderly people have not been singled out for special consideration either , but for quite a different reason : their needs are broadly the same as those of younger adults , and specialist mental health services for elderly people are now developing all over the country as a direct response to the enormous growth in the numbers of people with dementia .
28 Apples are now grown all over the world from Himachal Pradesh in northern India to small luxury orchards throughout Africa .
29 These plastic cards are the most flexible way of shopping on credit and they are now used all over the world .
30 This massive , muscular breed is now known all over the world and over the last quarter of a century it has seen herdbooks or breed societies established in 24 countries in addition to France ( Argentina , Australia , Belgium , Brazil , Canada , Denmark , Finland , Germany , Hungary , Ireland , Japan , Mexico , the Netherlands , Norway , Paraguay , Portugal , South Africa , Spain , Sweden , the UK , the USSR , the USA , Uruguay and Zimbabwe ) .
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