Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] to [be] alone [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ She just wants to be alone with her boys to try to forget the separation traumas .
2 He turned on his heel , and she stumbled after him , not wanting to be alone in the eerie garden where even the birds had been subdued by the fog .
3 Here the person referred to did not expect to be alone at the bar .
4 The rich do not dare to be alone at night in their grand houses : who lurks to rape around the panelled corners , swings to attack from the ropes in the work-out room ?
5 I do not seem to be alone in this response .
6 Sometimes I think I 'd just love to be alone with a nice book to read and a carol service on the wireless !
7 It had to be done through the American Consulate at Marseilles , sixty miles there and back , she was away most of the day ; I was glad of that too , we did n't really want to be alone with each other just then .
8 Are you sure you do n't want to be alone with your husband ?
9 It was quite likely that , after Wednesday night , Tanner would n't want to be alone with Maxim .
10 I would n't like to be alone with him . ’
11 At no time , either , did Zacco either seek to be alone with him , or utter a word of reproach about his failure with Famagusta .
12 We were not , however destined to be alone for long .
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