Example sentences of "[pron] was widely [verb] [conj] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Following the abolition of the Council for Environmental Quality [ see ED 67 ] , which was widely criticized as ineffective , President Clinton has announced the establishment of a new Office on Environmental Policy , based in the White House .
2 The case had been brought by the CDU which was widely perceived as anxious not to lose votes to the Republicans [ see below ] .
3 Both Cosic and FRY Prime Minister Milan Panic had called for early presidential and general elections in Serbia to remove from power the republic 's hardline President Slobodan Milosevic , who was widely regarded as responsible for the continuation of the Bosnian conflict .
4 In 1885 Prussian Oberpräsident Möllendorf , who was widely regarded as pro-Polish , recommended a total ban on the Polish language , saying that only in this way was it possible to force the Poles to appreciate the benevolence and wisdom of German culture and administration .
5 Chevènement was replaced as Defence Minister by Interior Minister Pierre Joxe , who was widely described as tough and austere and a close ally of Mitterrand .
6 The law was welcomed by leading Soviet journalists , but it was widely assessed that true press freedom would only be achieved when state control of paper production and of distribution and ownership of print works was ended .
7 It was widely believed that inexperienced magistrates were taken in by false evidence and relied too heavily on interpreters and clerks .
8 It was widely believed that 78-year-old President Kim Il Sung — around whom an extraordinary personality cult had been created — desired that his son should succeed him , but that the younger Kim lacked sufficient authority within either the ruling party or the army to be sure of a smooth succession .
9 It was widely perceived that direct Israeli military involvement could alter dramatically the whole political complexion of the conflict [ see section below on the Israeli dimension ] .
10 The time when scruples about extrapolating from studies on animals to humans would have seemed absurd , because it was widely held that basic behavioural processes were common to all species and that the complexity of behaviour was simply a function of the capacity of the organism to learn , is long since past .
11 On Nov. 7 it was widely reported that Nigerian Alpha jets had bombed NPFL positions in the Monrovia suburbs of Gardnersville , Mount Barclay and Stockton Creek the previous day , and had also attacked areas close to the rebel headquarters at Gbarnga , 160 km north of Monrovia on Nov. 5 .
12 It was widely reported that armed police had besieged the state-owned Jerada colliery , which had been occupied for 10 days in late December 1988-early January 1989 by 400 miners .
13 As we know er Darwin published his great work in eighteen fifty nine cos he had to , he really did n't want to but was forced , but in eighteen seventy one he published another important book called the Descent of Man or Evolution in Relation to Sex and in this book Darwin established a principle , which a which at the time he was widely criticized and ridiculed and this was the principle of female choice .
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