Example sentences of "[pron] was no need [prep] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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No Sentence
1 There was no need for me to get up and prowl around while the rest of the family was sleeping because I could read all night , if I wanted to , and if I did n't get up until the middle of the day , no one seemed to mind very much .
2 By this time there was no need for me to deny hunger : I felt none .
3 ‘ Once Kate had left home , there was no need for me to stay .
4 I believed for many years that I could move towards the future and leave the past behind , that there was no need for me to return home .
5 There was no need for me to be there too .
6 ‘ Oh , so there was no need for me to explain . ’
7 There was no need for me to be convinced of the high standard of the staff and work of the CIEFL on arrival , since we at Lancaster have learned to regard the Institute 's graduates as among the best qualified ELT specialists in the world .
8 There was no need for her to say who ‘ he ’ was ; her eager face was enough .
9 There was no need for her to be present .
10 She reminded herself that it was not the countryside which had been unfaithful to her and there was no need for her to fall out of love with it .
11 The KGB and GRU were so powerful that there was no need for them to behave in such an opaque manner .
12 There was no need for them to know that engineer John le Grant was its author .
13 Their critics said there was no need for them to break the law ; they made it .
14 There was no need for them to be imported to Britain since they mostly came from countries which were capable of developing their own waste-disposal programmes .
15 Mr Woolmer said : ‘ I felt Donald was overused in the World Cup when there was no need for him to bowl in the games against Sri Lanka and Zimbabwe . ’
16 She 'd agreed with the head lad that there was no need for him to get up extra early , but he 'd insisted on leaving Shine On 's feed already made up .
17 If Vecchi had been to the apartment and got what he wanted before killing Mahoney , there was no need for him to return for another look round .
18 The judge was therefore at fault in considering that there was no need for him to pay explicit regard to the public interest in freedom of expression guaranteed by article 10 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms ( 1953 ) ( Cmd. 8969 ) in seeking to resolve the uncertainty or ambiguity in the common law ; ( 7 ) in failing , as did Browne J. in the Bognor Regis case , to have proper regard to the public interest in freedom of expression and to the question of whether in a democratic society there really was a pressing social need to extend the ambit of the law of defamation to enable a governmental body to sue in respect of presumed ( and not actual ) injury to its governmental reputation ; ( 8 ) in failing to take into account the acceptance by the English courts of the fact that where a governmental plaintiff sought to invoke a private law right to interfere with freedom of discussion about the workings of government , the court 's approach would ( because of the competing public interests involved ) differ from that in a private dispute between citizen and citizen .
19 After all , there was no need for him to do so , was there ?
20 This time there was no need for him to force her up the dark steps of the barn ; she walked in front of him determinedly .
21 His parole was given and taken , and there was no need for him to lack exercise .
22 There was no need for him to get married yet .
23 There was no need for him to use the overdraft .
24 On the first day the West Indian bowlers had been sparing with the bouncer , for on such a pitch there was no need for it .
25 But he must remain in the custody of the bailiff , who said however there was no need for it .
26 There was no need for it to re-cover old ground .
27 They had people to do that for them half the time , there was no need for it , but it was as if I had to earn my keep , I had to repay what they 'd done for me , with the people that worked there laughing at me behind my back , wondering where I 'd come from , thinking maybe I was no better than them .
28 But now there was no need for it , surely ?
29 There was no need for it
30 But er at that time there was plenty work coming in , erm there was , there was no need for us to be apprehensive , and so therefore we had to convince the management that in the best interests of everybody , having agreed that the scheme would go on across the whole spectrum of the workforce , was to move reasonably , you know , quickly through the various machine departments and introduce with a minimum amount of frustration .
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