Example sentences of "[pron] is [adv] true that a " in BNC.

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1 It is however true that a depreciation in share values will be of concern to management , because of possible repercussions in the market for corporate control .
2 It is certainly true that a great deal of the competition between nationalists and unionists concerned the distribution of resources .
3 Now it is certainly true that a complex whole necessarily contains relations of subordination and domination if the presence of principal and secondary contradictions within it is made into a defining characteristic .
4 It is certainly true that a State of Emergency was in effect for most of the period of hostilities , being lifted in January 1987 .
5 It is certainly true that a few generalisations can be made about the attitudinal functions of some components of intonation .
6 One can say ( he held ) that it is absolutely true that a certain characteristic always gives rise to the property of prima facie obligatoriness .
7 It is absolutely true that a large number of people who could not remotely be described as rich would be hit by the proposal .
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