Example sentences of "[pron] is [adv] clear [that] in " in BNC.

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1 And yet it is equally clear that in the minds of those who believed in his divinity , he was indeed a god .
2 In fact , it is increasingly clear that in formulating realistic possibilities for prevention around life events in the person 's current life , it will be essential to consider the person 's past history .
3 It is also clear that in some places , Marx at least , seems willing to envisage qualifications which are even more fundamental ; for example , that there might be more than one line of evolution .
4 The presence of Henry and his sons , together with their army , made a considerable impression on the Limousin , though it is also clear that in the months between June 1176 and October 1177 Richard had effectively wielded power in this region , quartering his Brabançons on monastic estates as he chose .
5 However , it is also clear that in the course of the inter-war period this concern came to be accommodated to such values as taste , tact , and decency that were characteristic of the male focused professions .
6 It is also clear that in the last two weeks the whole country , as it heard different voices and different noises , has wondered who is speaking for the Labour party .
7 ‘ But it is quite clear that in order to generate the development side of the research , new funds would need to be made available , ’ he says .
8 It is quite clear that in the not too distant future arrangements will need to be made to enable those with non-graduate qualifications from the University , or with qualifications directly recognised by it , to continue some kind of formal association with the institution after the satisfactory completion of their courses .
9 It is quite clear that in the 17th and 18th centuries and , indeed , up to the enactment of the Judicature Act 1873 the courts , and in particular the Court of King 's Bench , consistently declined to exercise any jurisdiction over any matters in which a right of appeal lay from the benchers of an Inn to the judges sitting as a domestic tribunal .
10 It is quite clear that in any examination the examiner has a very short time to spend on any individual question .
11 It is quite clear that in securing contracts with the private sector , and getting a good price , some authorities have been quicker off the mark than others , leaving the remainder at the mercy of spot prices and the sort of fee-hiking that can result .
12 Such criticism was premature , as it is now clear that in many parts of the world long dead-straight trackways were laid out and , in several cases , are still used .
13 While the approach taken by the US courts has been much more progressive than that which has been adopted in Britain , it is nonetheless clear that in neither jurisdiction do directors owe a duty of disclosure when trading on impersonal stock exchange markets .
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