Example sentences of "[pron] is [adv] clear [that] the " in BNC.

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1 It is pretty clear that the reason Z fails in Z6 is that 6 is a composite integer .
2 While this terminology may be ambiguous , it is however clear that the duty excludes the various managerialist objectives considered earlier , and hence to that extent is consistent with the general interest , as so far understood .
3 It is equally clear that the antonym of namely was not confined to a class of medrese , as in all likelihood was , or came to be , but had a much wider usage as an essentially geographical term .
4 It is clear that the proportion of abusers is very small ; it is equally clear that the vast majority of drinkers do not abuse alcohol at all .
5 On the evidence I have heard , it is reasonably clear that the old naval dockyard generated comparatively little heavy goods vehicle traffic and in the main it used the Pembroke Gate entrance .
6 In summary , it is reasonably clear that the rulemaking powers in FSA , ss 55 and 81 permit rules to modify fiduciary obligations arising under the general law .
7 It is thus clear that the practice of was not without importance from the earliest days of the state and that in Molla Edebali and Tursun Fakih — perhaps also in the elusive Elvan Fakih and others there were men who performed much the same function as later Muftis ; but so scanty and uncertain is the available information about this early period that one can not confidently assert the existence , still less the continuity , of an officially designated post of Mufti .
8 Where there is no attendance note but it is nevertheless clear that the particular task had been done , then the taxing officer will have to assess how long the particular job is likely to have taken .
9 In turning to the manner in which the Report deals specifically with the " needs of business " it is immediately clear that the requirements of cultural nationalization are to be allowed completely to overwhelm the servicing of such needs .
10 If we enquire into the evolutionary background to this situation , it is immediately clear that the evolution of behaviour in both humans and primates rests on a common mammalian basis which can doubtless be traced to the greater adaptiveness , activity and independence of environmental conditions which the acquisition of warm-bloodedness provided .
11 However , it is increasingly clear that the scale of this challenge is such that it demands a response from a national as well as local level .
12 On top of this indefensible and increasingly absurd situation , it is also clear that the Labour Party is obliged by its own Constitution to organise in Northern Ireland .
13 It is also clear that the non-biological breakdown of water vapour in the outer atmosphere would not by itself be enough to get life started .
14 It is also clear that the renewal and extension of the non-proliferation treaty , hopefully leading in due course to a comprehensive test-ban treaty , depends crucially on the actions of the existing nuclear weapons states . ’
15 When it comes to the separation of powers and the system of checks and balances that the constitution asserted , it is also clear that the bureaucracy was given a much more equal share than either the Diet or the Judiciary .
16 It is also clear that the most desirable way forward would actively involve the University Convocation .
17 It is also clear that the cooperation of the water companies can not be assumed .
18 It is also clear that the transport sector , dominated as it is by private modes , represents the fastest growing source of airborne pollutants , including greenhouse gases .
19 It is also clear that the arrangements wo n't work effectively unless local community care and health care assessors work closely together .
20 It is also clear that the UN as a whole has emerged from the crisis with greatly strengthened authority .
21 Answer guide : In this case the uncertainty is mitigated as the life is clearly known and it is also clear that the loss in utility relates to time .
22 It is also clear that the prices of different commodities rose at varying rates and at different times .
23 It is also clear that the higher the quota value the higher the hurdle for new entrants . ’
24 It is patently clear that the Blues must sell to buy or consider the possibility of exchange deals .
25 But it is already clear that the right has won the school wars , and that the left made a mistake in thinking that racial and sexual minorities can be lumped together and used as footsoldiers in the war against the establishment .
26 But it is already clear that the programme is running into trouble .
27 ‘ We are naturally disappointed that the Court has upheld the Regulations , especially as it is already clear that the legal aid cuts are causing real hardship to a substantial number of people .
28 It is already clear that the cuts are having a devastating effect on people needing legal advice .
29 We do recognise establishment factors , that is adhesions in this part of the process and it is very clear that the capsule is one of the factors which allows the organism to pe , persist because it helps the organism to resist phagocytosis .
30 It is abundantly clear that the homeless have nothing to hope for from the socialist Government , which promised them so much in 1945 and so little in 1950 .
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