Example sentences of "[pron] is [adv] [adv] necessary [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It is normally also necessary to check whether the investments themselves qualify for the exemption and to obtain the putative counterparty 's consent and this will need detailed compliance procedures .
2 Remember that when your child has learned a difficult task it is no longer necessary to give rewards regularly ; occasionally you might acknowledge the child 's continuing cooperation with a word of thanks or encouragement .
3 The mnemonics ensure that after a minimum of experience with the structure it is no longer necessary to refer to Figure 11.3 when transmitting or receiving .
4 It is no longer necessary to agree the market value of assets for which capital gains tax holdover relief is claimed ( p 129 ) .
5 It is no longer necessary to agree the market value of assets for which capital gains tax gifts holdover relief is claimed .
6 Of course it is essential that the alternative assessment instrument is valid , reliable and practicable and that its use is documented , but it is no longer necessary to ask for permission .
7 Following the Tustain decision both limbs of this test are satisfied before the institutions invest , and it is no longer necessary to show that Newco remains close after it has actually acquired the business and commenced trading .
8 After a month-long pollution scare , Thames Water Authority says it is no longer necessary to boil water .
9 It is no longer necessary to stand idly by and , for instance and watch aphids ruin a cereal , or bean crop .
10 Where the fire-resistance of a cast-iron member must be increased , it is no longer necessary to apply protective materials which conceal the shape and ‘ character ’ of the components .
11 It is no longer necessary to apply this endorsement .
12 Among other casualties in this process will be plot : ‘ the plot having disappeared , it is no longer necessary to have the events of fiction follow a logical , sequential pattern ( in time and in space ) ’ ( Federman 1975 : 810 ) .
13 On the question of day-to-day outgoings attaching to a property , such as water rates , it is no longer necessary to hand over receipts to the buyers on completion .
14 Although the burden of proof is still on the victim to show the damage , the defect and the causal link between them , it is no longer necessary to establish negligence .
15 It is also still necessary to bring the majority of community language teachers closer to an understanding of the needs , aspirations and capabilities of their pupils , and to encourage collaborative work in the design of teaching materials .
16 It is a very stringent rule ; it is very rarely necessary to consider transitions involving more than one electron in interpreting the electronic spectra of inorganic species .
17 It is therefore perhaps necessary to pause here to reaffirm some of the intentions of the movement which have hitherto been suggested only in passing .
18 It is therefore only necessary to enter the details using option 3.2.0 .
19 Sadly , teaching of languages in schools has not kept pace with the relevant technological advances , but we find now that it is almost never necessary to recruit an individual specifically for linguistic skill .
20 It is then also necessary to estimate the costs of treating that morbidity , something which neither RAWP nor the review attempted .
21 It is then only necessary to search the sub-domains in greater detail to establish whether interferences exist or not .
22 It is then often necessary to calculate the percentage yield .
23 However , it is then often necessary to read a whole bucket into primary storage at a time ; it is not possible to search the bucket and read in only the required record , but this does not apply if a device such as ICL 's CAFS-ISP is available to speed up the search .
24 It is now only necessary to inspect the etch-resist artwork on the p.c.b .
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