Example sentences of "[pron] in [pron] mind 's [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He looked at himself in his mind 's eye , squared his shoulders and carried on down the stairs .
2 The old familiar image of that desperately clutching hand , rising up out of the waves and then sinking again for ever , created itself in her mind 's eye .
3 Poor child — he can see them in his mind 's eye , but how can he express them in paint ?
4 I can see them in my mind 's eye even now .
5 I can see them in my mind 's eye rising and dancing slowly around the room , their bodies undulating in a controlled exuberance as if lifted out of the world of motor cars , rockets and computerised mentalities into some universal heartbeat , some rhythm of the day , of the night , of the sea , of life .
6 Make up two sentences to show if she is to be told or not — watch them as you say them — hear them in your mind 's ear .
7 He saw him in his mind 's eye , running through the wood wearing Uncle Walter 's helmet and firing a make-believe gun at the spy planes .
8 I see her in my mind 's eye always in a Fair Isle jersey .
9 Again he saw her in his mind 's eye : a tiny figure standing outside the pension in the rain as he raised her fingers to his lips in farewell .
10 Paul bore all this in mind , looking down at Emily ; he could see her in his mind 's eye presiding over tea-parties at Oxford , saying the right thing to professors ' wives ; playing her part as his own wife , while he continued with his work uninterrupted except — he dared not think of it now — for the nights .
11 Already she could visualise the lay-out — ‘ The Other Side of Fashion ’ she 'd entitled it in her mind 's eye when she 'd discussed it with Nick .
12 And , as soon as she had paid the driver and he had gone on his way she stood for some moments , looking at Ven 's house , photographing it in her mind 's eye because she knew — she would never come this way again .
13 For a moment before it separates itself from its surroundings I catch a glimpse of its round eyes , beautiful but stupid , taking in the sight of a forty-three-year-old writer wearing shorts and a faded polo shirt , his face somewhat craggier than he sees it in his mind 's eye , his waist a little more solid and his eyes bright with the thoughts he is generating .
14 You can just see it in your mind 's eye , ca n't you ?
15 It is surprisingly rare to find that your body image ( that is , how you see yourself in your mind 's eye ) is a true appraisal of your actual size .
16 To me resignation is a priceless liberation , for with it I have taken the first big step to that place where I may hope to wash my hands of what in my mind 's eye is the blood of millions of poor and starving peoples .
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