Example sentences of "[pron] had been presented to [pron] " in BNC.

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1 In human terms the reasoning which had been presented to him was filled with flaws and false assumptions .
2 Apparently innocent of the opportunity which had been presented to them , they met in the Ravenhill Church and talked about what they should do and even hesitated about talking to the journalists waiting outside .
3 She had been presented to him , rather in the way she had been presented to her mother , ten years ago , by a Jamaican midwife , in Queen Mary 's Hospital , Roehampton .
4 In the interval , she had been presented to him .
5 She had been presented to him , rather in the way she had been presented to her mother , ten years ago , by a Jamaican midwife , in Queen Mary 's Hospital , Roehampton .
6 ‘ After you had been presented to our gracious Queen , last summer , you followed custom by having your photograph taken in all your finery . ’
7 It had been presented to him by the City of Paris and on it were traced the lines of the new streets and boulevards which Napoleon III had worked out in conjunction with Baron Haussmann .
8 … crime and folly and error can be as severely lashed , as virtue and morality can be upheld , by a series of amusing causes and effects , that entice the reader to take a medicine , which , although rendered agreeable to the palate , still produces the same internal benefit as if it had been presented to him in its crude state , in which it would either be refused or nauseated .
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