Example sentences of "[pron] mother was [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Perhaps when pregnant with me , my mother was hit on the head by a ‘ No Vehicular Access ’ sign , and her understandable anxiety transmitted itself to my foetal subconscious .
2 Her mother was resting on the sofa , reading a magazine .
3 Her mother was reported in the Star as saying : ‘ It has all been too much for her .
4 Mrs Hitchcock 's other daughter Stella watched in horror as her mother was slashed on the arms and face as she tried to protect Kelly from the attack .
5 Her mother was talking to the director as though nothing had happened .
6 Von Karajan had been a member of the Nazi party , and saw no reason publicly to mourn musicians who had been persecuted ; Abbado by contrast is a left-winger whose mother was imprisoned by the Nazis for hiding a Jewish child .
7 His mother was standing in the doorway , beckoning to him .
8 It seemed to Joe that his mother was waiting behind the hall door for him , because no sooner had he entered the house than there she was , staring at him over the distance .
9 ‘ Explain your meaning , my son , ’ his mother was saying in the disapproving tone generally reserved for others .
10 His mother was bending over the baby in the basketwork cradle his father had made for the first Wooldridge child , and she was mopping the fevered little body with a damp cloth .
11 His mother was aching at the evidence before them both ; her ache transmitted itself through her flesh like a smell , and he absorbed it .
12 His mother was talking to the police at the time , but she insisted on dressing him herself , and told everyone not to touch him .
13 As it was , she was fortunate your mother was accepted by the social worker .
14 So your mother was regarded in the neighbourhood as someone who knew how to treat illnesses ?
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