Example sentences of "[pron] can be [verb] upon [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 In Australia , many ranches use artesian wells , which can be relied upon to provide water unattended to stock in remote areas .
2 Instead of introducing procedures which can be relied upon to identify and protect all those at risk of human rights violations in their own country , Government has introduced a range of measures which create obstacles in the path of those seeking asylum in the UK .
3 We should not forget the general point that , in many communities where religious affiliation plays no part in political decisions , the clergy are still seen as leading figures who can be called upon to lead and organize activities outside the narrow remit of religion .
4 And if it is beyond the scope of our work , then who can be relied upon to undertake it ?
5 This is well illustrated by the controversy in the case-law about the legitimacy of a company 's board of directors taking defensive action against a threatened take-over bid by issuing shares to someone who can be relied upon to support the incumbent management .
6 Generally , it is best to send out a strong opener , that is someone who can be relied upon to go all out for a victory .
7 Colleagues regard Dick as a safe pair of hands who can be relied upon to step in when required .
8 To organize the event successfully , make an amusing speech , and get the right balance between outrageous fun and good taste , will indicate to the bride or groom that you can be relied upon to perform well as best man or bridesmaid at the subsequent wedding .
9 The nature of the Shell Miri contract is such that we can be called upon to do further work outside the basic contract for instrumentation systems on the offshore structure .
10 However , encouraging them to the extent that they can be relied upon to keep roses clean is hardly practical .
11 Real collegiality is based on trust and confidence — it can be relied upon to protect those it considers important .
12 Provided they do n't hold up the meeting too often , it is often useful to have one such man at the meeting , since he can be relied upon to ask the naive question that many others would like to ask but dare not .
13 In marital therapy it is often noticeable that although a couple are asking for help to sort out their problem , so that they may have the closeness and intimacy for which they yearn , fear overcomes hope , and whenever things start to improve one of them can be relied upon to start up the next quarrel .
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