Example sentences of "[pron] can say [that] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Looking at it selfishly , I can say that the happiness of the family now depends on you , for it is in you that the family is renewed and starts again .
2 I think I 'd like to start by making a few general points , er and then er it will be a matter for for others to be somewhat more specific , I I I think I can say that the issue of a new settlement of a new settlement in Greater York is is a fairly unique situation , because we have agreement between the development industry and the County Council , and that 's something of a rarity , but also we have mild support from the Department of the Environment , and as Mr Davis has already said , that is backed by public support .
3 Having worked on interview panels with the now defunct ILEA I can say that the object has not been to block the drama school selection so much as to see that the grant is well justified .
4 But the best you can say that the jury there was some information that be in the master bedroom you do n't know where .
5 You can say that if they do n't keep to the agreed rules of the drama , then the magic will start to fail ; if they climb up the wall-bars when you have asked them not to , you can say that the magic only works when their feet are touching the ground , thus using the fiction of the drama to limit the space they work in and remind them through a dramatic device of those rules which you will have agreed before the lesson begins ( see also the section on " Control " in Chapter 4 ) .
6 We can say that the problem being defined here is not so much that the pupils are getting the wrong education ( though they might be getting the wrong teachers ) as that industry is getting the wrong pupils !
7 Similarly , we can say that the purchase of a new machine by a firm is investment — the machine itself will not yield utility to anyone in the current period but will produce ( or help to produce ) consumer goods probably for a long time into the future .
8 We can say that the purpose of knowing is truth ( however conceived ) and that the purpose of doing is effectiveness ( Horner 1985 ) .
9 In this sense we can say that the structuring principle of all discourse is dialogue ; but we will need to examine the relationship between the word order and this dialogue more thoroughly .
10 Leaving aside the problems of precise definition of revenues and costs , we can say that the profit accruing to an enterprise equals revenue minus costs .
11 More precisely , we can say that the manufacturer wishes to maximise the minimum of revenue and goal :
12 However , based on the results reported in this paper , we can say that the position effect seen in the Short transgenic mice , is probably due to the absence of the upstream regions containing DH III-V .
13 Since wealth is the source of the individual 's present and future incomes , we can say that the position of the individual 's budget line is determined by his wealth and its slope is determined by the rate of interest .
14 We can say that the relationship between marriage system and terminology is itself highly variable and so too is the way they interact on each other .
15 Therefore , we can say that the speaker 's ‘ knowledge ’ includes the knowledge that /k/ is palatalized in the dialect .
16 At the most general level , we can say that the electorate has not lived up to the hopes of those who looked to an active and informed public involvement in policies and elections .
17 The concept of discretion is a complex one , but for our purposes we can say that the essence of a discretion is choice .
18 As a preliminary statement we can say that the equation : is at best only ever achieved as a momentary or fleeting condition .
19 Similarly , in macroeconomics , we can say that the equilibrium level of national income has been reached when there are no economic forces operating to change the level of national income .
20 We can say that the instructor 's braking caused it , and it is natural to say that it was a cause of the stopping .
21 Schubert ( 1960 , p. 223 ) states that : This view is shared by Downs ( 1962 , p. 1 ) when he states : In more general terms ( see Held , 1970 ) we can say that the term ‘ public interest ’ is used to express approval or communication of policies adopted or proposed by the government .
22 Other crops were grown , mainly for cattle fodder ; fertility of soil varies ; but in general one can say that the area producing corn ( and in wine-growing areas , especially south of the Alps , wine ) is a rough test of population .
23 At any rate , on the level of narrative one can say that The Lord of the Rings is neither a saint 's life , all about temptation , nor a complicated wargame , all about tactics .
24 Put in the baldest terms , one can say that the result of all this was that man — or , perhaps I should say , the hominid ancestors of modern man — became able to hunt and that , with the success of the hunting economy , came culture and civilization as we know it and with it its psychological corollary : the superego .
25 Well , erm , it 's difficult to make forecasts , particularly with the S E C breathing down one 's neck but I think one can say that the industry conditions , if you were to read the reports of other companies and for us , is pretty much erm , status quo , in other words the domestic excuse me , domestic industry 's doing quite well , the rig , the rig count 's up , the Canadian rig count 's up , international markets remain rather soggy but some of them are qui you know on a , on a selective basis some are quite good .
26 If they then go out and collect signatures no-one can say that the petition has been organized by a small group who have twisted arms in the street .
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