Example sentences of "[pron] has [not/n't] be able [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 Nina Miklin will be well known to many club members but anyone who has not been able to attend one of her talks will be pleased to hear they now have a chance to go to a choice of two workshops .
2 MALCOLM ALLEN , who has not been able to get into the Norwich first team this season , showed that Wales ' absentee forwards , Ian Rush and Mark Hughes , had better beware of him .
3 Parliament is the arena in which British political leaders are recruited and it is difficult to think of a successful Prime Minister who has not been able to command the House of Commons .
4 She has not been able to get any type of work since , despite applying for eight jobs a week .
5 He says that his face was badly burnt and it 's meant he has n't been able to take part in his favourite game of rugby .
6 So the bedrooms and they 're not too bad because he has n't been able to do anything in the bedrooms the bedrooms are alright except that over the lintels in most of the bedrooms the plaster is is not right , it 's it 's flaking in great lumps and rippling and cracked something to do with the
7 He has n't been able to contact the list since , so we 're not sure what became of him .
8 But he has n't been able to forget what happened .
9 He has n't been able to tell his family much about the shooting .
10 " It could just be he has n't been able to catch anyone . "
11 That was five years ago , and he has n't been able to face a strawberry since !
12 If the general practitioner pronounces the patient fit enough , he may be able to start driving a car again , although he may need to retake a driving test if he has not been able to drive for several months .
13 The other point which is made by the defendant is this , he says that the plaintiffs have been guilty of delaying tactics er during the course of this litigation , the result of which has been that er he has not been able to realize his interest in the partnership premises , also he has not been able to acquire a partnership premises and he he , doctor mentioned to me that to the actual conveyance of the partnership premises he 's , he tells me was only produced I think thirty and er that er it was only then that he realized there might be a chance that he could acquire the premises for himself , but he says that er because of the general , I think the case is , because of the general conduct of the plaintiffs in delaying the trial of the action one way or another , er the practical effect has been that the plaintiffs have had the benefit of use and occupation of the premises at which he erm , a main view , has a lot of that interest and that they are getting benefit of the kind from that occupation and he is not getting any money in res in respect of that , at least nothing like any market rent because it maybe that there is a fairly small er payment being made , but I 'm not too entirely clear whether that is the case or not , but the stock bond is suggesting that the plaintiffs have been obtaining benefit of the use of the premises at his expense and in those circumstances it is unfair er in , in , or otherwise not appropriate that the plaintiffs should be entitled to obtain interest on their bill of costs , in respect essentially of the period of delay , and when I say period of delay included that the period during which the forward of Mr Justice remained erm unprotected .
14 His achievements as Labour leader have earned him respect and admiration , but he has not been able to appeal beyond the party in which he has made his life .
15 I have given the Minister credit for what has been achieved , and I am disappointed that he has not been able to go further .
16 Although he has not been able to cure it , he has found it possible to slow the disease down so that it stabilises , banishing the symptoms to allow the fish to grow and feed .
17 Or anything he has not been able to hush up .
18 The other point which is made by the defendant is this , he says that the plaintiffs have been guilty of delaying tactics er during the course of this litigation , the result of which has been that er he has not been able to realize his interest in the partnership premises , also he has not been able to acquire a partnership premises and he he , doctor mentioned to me that to the actual conveyance of the partnership premises he 's , he tells me was only produced I think thirty and er that er it was only then that he realized there might be a chance that he could acquire the premises for himself , but he says that er because of the general , I think the case is , because of the general conduct of the plaintiffs in delaying the trial of the action one way or another , er the practical effect has been that the plaintiffs have had the benefit of use and occupation of the premises at which he erm , a main view , has a lot of that interest and that they are getting benefit of the kind from that occupation and he is not getting any money in res in respect of that , at least nothing like any market rent because it maybe that there is a fairly small er payment being made , but I 'm not too entirely clear whether that is the case or not , but the stock bond is suggesting that the plaintiffs have been obtaining benefit of the use of the premises at his expense and in those circumstances it is unfair er in , in , or otherwise not appropriate that the plaintiffs should be entitled to obtain interest on their bill of costs , in respect essentially of the period of delay , and when I say period of delay included that the period during which the forward of Mr Justice remained erm unprotected .
19 The South African case remains interesting , and I asked my doctor friend for clarification , but so far he has not been able to get any further information .
20 It has always been able to impose penalties on parties who break the rules without permission , by the award of costs against them , but it has not been able to enforce the rules of its own volition .
21 What it has not been able to do is provide a coherent explanation of the variations it often describes , nor account for changes in mores and consciousness .
22 The chief weakness of the House of Commons is in matters of taxation ; the way in which it has not been able to keep pace with administrative developments is that it has no method of collecting information ( other than the briefing from outside pressure groups already mentioned ) on the social and other side-effects of a tax or of examining possible future departures in taxation policy .
23 Mossad is different , but it 's fair to assume that if it has n't been able to put someone into Iraq to kill Saddam , then it 's next to impossible to do so .
24 So social science has tended to ignore Freud 's books , but of course , it has n't been able to forget about Freud .
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