Example sentences of "[pron] who have ever [vb pp] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Nobody who has ever taken the trouble to visit General Gouraud 's observation post on a cold , dank winter 's day , could ever escape the hell-hole ambiance of such a deathly place which seems to reach out over the decades of time to shame and sicken the human race .
2 Everyone who has ever taken an exam will remember that feeling of complete and utter boredom that overwhelmed them from time to time .
3 This instrument must be familiar to every one who has ever heard a military band .
4 1 How many ghost stories can you think of ? 2 Do you believe in ghosts ? 3 Do you know anybody who has ever seen a ghost ? 4 Think of one ghost story that you can remember — or make one up .
5 The computer interface was secretly operational , sorting through the Mormons ' old listings of everybody who had ever left a record of his or her life on earth .
6 Well , that was n't all so farfetched , and anyone who 'd ever hosted a botfly larva , for example , would surely have sympathised .
7 Anyone who has ever witnessed a ‘ meet the people ’ exercise knows it is an absurdity .
8 Such an approach will be familiar to anyone who has ever done a course in macroeconomics .
9 And anyone who has ever seen the devastating effects of alcohol addiction on the alcoholic , his or her friends and family will understand only too well the dramatic and destructive influence it can have on the lives of all concerned .
10 But , sitting in the wood-panelled living-room of the Birdman 's house on the little island of Mykines , listening to his tales of the sea and of the exploits of the Faroese fowlers of old , I could think of no reason why he should be considered any more hard or cruel than anyone who has ever eaten a chicken joint , a hamburger — or even a fish-finger !
11 Anyone who has ever attended a recording session of this repertory work will know what problems are created by the need to get the woodwind chords precise enough at the start of both the first two movements .
12 Anyone who has ever kept a dog must have observed its clear indications of a dream life .
13 Bold gross feeding omnivores represent a similar problem as anyone who has ever kept a Triggerfish , will confirm .
14 Anyone who has ever had a close encounter with that lethal spirit tequila ( accurately described here as liquid plutonium ) will experience an agreeable sense of schadenfreude as the characters toss back the shots with reckless abandon , while the evocation of the hideous , hungover morning-after is hilariously achieved .
15 Certainly anyone who has ever had a severe , immediate reaction to a food is likely to react in the same way if they are told that they have consumed some of the same food .
16 Anyone who has ever smelt an addled egg will know just how horrible that would be .
17 As anyone who has ever needed a doctor or dentist abroad knows , the term ‘ free health service ’ does not always mean what it says .
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