Example sentences of "[pron] go through [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I went through to the utility room , cool and dark after the noise and chaos of the kitchen .
2 I went through to the kitchen and put on the kettle and made a tray ready .
3 I went through to the dining-room and helped myself to a pint of the neuron-friendly punch Uncle Hamish always made for the event .
4 They were nowhere in sight as I went through to the dining car , and Filmer seemed to have gone straight to his room , as there was a thread of light shining along the bottom of his door ; but Daffodil , I discovered , had after all not .
5 Erm that I went through at the beginning you know which is basically write to lots of people
6 ‘ We may be out of the running but we can still have a big say in who goes through to the United States , ’ said Hughes .
7 There was one small group though who went through to the store area at the back of the hut and got on with something really quietly .
8 Tim , 32 , said : ‘ She always got upset when we were apart and cried as usual as she went through into the departure lounge .
9 She went through into the boudoir and began to pick up the bedclothes .
10 After she 'd hung up , she went through into the kitchen .
11 Folding her coat over the ornate wooden newel post at the foot of the stairs , she went through to the kitchen and the last task of the day , setting out the Copleys ' early-morning tray .
12 She went through to the kitchen to fetch the coffee she 'd put on earlier .
13 She went through to the prop-room to see if there were some on the mantelpiece , but there were n't ; and then she remembered the lighter in the vase in the cabinet .
14 Pascoe watched her as she went through to the bathroom .
15 She went through to the bathroom and ran water into the tub .
16 Everything went through on the nod .
17 ‘ Shall we go through to the conservatory ?
18 ‘ Shall we go through to the drawing-room ? ’ her hostess suggested .
19 ‘ Useful , ye see , ’ Ward said as we went through to the baggage claim area .
20 Fear slowed his thoughts , and grudgingly granted him one consolation : at this speed they must come out at the bottom a damn sight faster than they went through at the top .
21 There were tears in her eyes and when they went through to the kitchen she hugged and kissed them both .
22 Before they went through to the staff room to take up positions when the parents arrived .
23 They went through to the studio .
24 Erm , and you know , let's face it , I did n't have to go through the circumstances that they went through in the war , and there therefore , who who am I to judge
25 They went through from the house to the barn , from the barn to the smithy , and then finally to the stables .
26 and then it goes through to the back , now his , although it looks
27 Slipped out of the hand quite obviously that , it was n't a deliberate beamer we must add that , that 's went out today , thirty-four , here 's Lawrence , bowls outside the off stump and the new batsman who is not yet off the mark , lets it go through to the wicket keeper .
28 He went through to the corridor , and as the train began to move he sauntered along to the first-class coach .
29 Then , partnered by Brian Storr ( Staffordshire ) , he went through to the doubles final , to be outdone again by Davis and his partner Ahlers , both from the USA .
30 He went through to the kitchen and knew immediately who the caller was by the apprehension in her eyes .
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