Example sentences of "[pron] can say that [noun] [be] " in BNC.

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1 For example , I can say that Jones is behaving just like Smith did , and we now know that Smith behaved as he did because he had feelings of being persecuted , so it is possible that Jones has feelings of being persecuted , too .
2 Nobody can say that depressions were something peculiar to the 1930s .
3 By way of abbreviation , for what it is worth , we can say that cc was dependently necessary to e , that e was such as to dependently necessitate cc .
4 ‘ Now we can say that Lithuania is a democratic country with a democratic system ’ the victor told a news conference .
5 Without any hesitation we can say that God is the answer to all doubt and that the largest part of doubting comes simply from ignorance of what God has said and done .
6 In summary , we can say that rugs were used by a number of civilizations , ranging from Greece through to Central Asia , during the first millennium BC , and were probably in existence for some considerable time before .
7 As a general message , one can say that ideology is no longer the main cause of the divisions in the world or of potential conflict .
8 ‘ Unless one can say that injuries were sustained by a person in life , the consequence is that the statutory provision is not met , ’ said Mr Hamilton .
9 No one can say that ideas are a sham .
10 No one can say that athletes are n't creatures of habit !
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